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1Accounting and Financial Reportingaccounts receivable8
1Accounting and Financial Reportingactuary1
1Accounting and Financial ReportingARO8
1Accounting and Financial Reportingasset retirement obligation3
1Accounting and Financial Reportingassets2
1Accounting and Financial Reportingaudit8
1Accounting and Financial Reportingbilling1
1Accounting and Financial Reportingcash6
1Accounting and Financial Reportingcheques1
1Accounting and Financial Reportingcollections10
1Accounting and Financial Reportingconsultant5
1Accounting and Financial Reportingcouncil expense7
1Accounting and Financial Reportingcovid-192
1Accounting and Financial Reportingcredit card3
1Accounting and Financial Reportingfraud1
1Accounting and Financial Reportingfunding8
1Accounting and Financial ReportingGST/HST1
1Accounting and Financial Reportinginternal control3
1Accounting and Financial Reportingother2
1Accounting and Financial ReportingPOA1
1Accounting and Financial Reportingpre-authorized payment1
1Accounting and Financial ReportingPS32803
1Accounting and Financial ReportingPSAB3
1Accounting and Financial Reportingpublic sector accounting board6
1Accounting and Financial Reportingre82
2Alternative Revenuesadvertisement2
2Alternative Revenuescharges21
2Alternative Revenuesdevelopment charge6
2Alternative Revenuesdevelopment charges5
2Alternative Revenuesdonations5
2Alternative Revenuesfees13
2Alternative Revenueslocal improvement charge6
2Alternative Revenuesmunicipal accommodation tax3
2Alternative Revenuespermit2
2Alternative Revenuesrevenue8
2Alternative Revenuessigns1
2Alternative Revenuesuser fees4
3Analytical Toolsanalytics2
3Analytical Toolsbylaw2
3Analytical Toolsproject management2
4Budgeting and Financial Planningbudget16
4Budgeting and Financial Planningbusiness case2
4Budgeting and Financial Planningcapital expenditure1
4Budgeting and Financial Planningcitizen engagement1
4Budgeting and Financial Planningcosting1
4Budgeting and Financial Planningcouncil19
4Budgeting and Financial Planningdebt12
4Budgeting and Financial Planningfinancial management2
4Budgeting and Financial Planningfinancial plan21
4Budgeting and Financial Planningfiscal strategy1
4Budgeting and Financial Planningfiscal sustainability2
4Budgeting and Financial Planninglong-term financial pl8
4Budgeting and Financial Planninglong-term financial plan8
4Budgeting and Financial Planninglong-term finanical plan1
4Budgeting and Financial Planningmulti-year budget3
4Budgeting and Financial Planningwastewater1
4Budgeting and Financial Planningwater13
5Debt and Investmentasset management13
5Debt and Investmentborrowing10
5Debt and Investmentcapital financing6
5Debt and Investmentdebt management9
5Debt and Investmentdebt managmeent1
5Debt and Investmentinvestment9
5Debt and Investmentloan1
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentaffordable housing3
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentbrownfield4
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentbusiness improvement area1
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentbusiness plan1
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentCIP4
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentclimate change5
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentcommunit16
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentcommunity16
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentcommunity benefits4
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentcommunity benefits charge2
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentdevelopment20
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentdevelopment charges5
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentdonation7
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentdowntown1
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmenteconomic development7
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentfees13
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentfinancial plan21
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentgovernance1
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentgrant9
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmenthousing3
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentinfrastructure2
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentland use1
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentlicensing1
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentparkland dedication1
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentstormwater1
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentsurety bond6
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentsustainability5
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmenttourism1
6Economic, Community, and Sustainable Developmentwater13
7Funding Programsfunding8
7Funding Programsgrant9
7Funding Programsletter of credit3
8Human Resourcescareer development4
8Human Resourcescode of conduct2
8Human Resourcescouncil19
8Human ResourcesCOVID-192
8Human Resourcescredit card3
8Human Resourcesculture1
8Human Resourcesexpenses5
8Human Resourcesmileage1
8Human Resourcespublic health3
8Human Resourcesretention3
8Human Resourcessigning authority1
8Human Resourcestravel3
8Human Resourcestreasurer1
8Human Resourceswork from home2
9Infrastructure and Asset Managementasset18
9Infrastructure and Asset Managementasset inventory1
9Infrastructure and Asset Managementasset management13
9Infrastructure and Asset Managementasset management plan2
9Infrastructure and Asset Managementcommunity16
9Infrastructure and Asset Managementcondition assessment4
9Infrastructure and Asset Managementfacilities2
9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementO Reg 588/176
9Infrastructure and Asset Managementsidewalk2
9Infrastructure and Asset Managementtangible capital assets1
10Procurement and Tenderingbanking2
10Procurement and Tenderingbanking service2
10Procurement and Tenderingbanking services1
10Procurement and Tenderingfeasibility study1
10Procurement and Tenderingfuel price1
10Procurement and Tenderinggreen2
10Procurement and Tenderinglibrary1
10Procurement and Tenderingprocurement11
10Procurement and Tenderingpublic private partnership1
10Procurement and Tenderingpurchasing1
10Procurement and Tenderingtendering1
11Public Engagementaccountability3
11Public Engagementcommunications1
11Public Engagementcommunity16
11Public Engagementfunding8
11Public Engagementgrants6
11Public Engagementpublic engagement3
11Public Engagementsocial media2
11Public Engagementtransparency3
12Reserves and Reserve Fundsreserve fund9
12Reserves and Reserve Fundsreserves9
13Risk Managementborrowing10
13Risk Managementclimate change5
13Risk Managementcontaminated sites1
13Risk Managementdebt12
13Risk Managementinsurance4
13Risk Managementinternal controls2
13Risk Managementprivacy1
13Risk Managementrisk management8
14Services and Performanceaccessibility1
14Services and PerformanceAODA1
14Services and Performancebuilding1
14Services and Performancecase study1
14Services and Performancefire2
14Services and Performancefunding8
14Services and Performancegrants6
14Services and Performanceinfrastructure2
14Services and Performanceinspection1
14Services and PerformanceIT61
14Services and Performanceperformance1
14Services and Performanceservice delivery4
14Services and Performanceshared service7
14Services and Performanceshared services6
14Services and Performancetransit2
14Services and Performancewater13
15Small and Rural Municipalitiesfeasibility2
15Small and Rural Municipalitiesfinancial condition1
15Small and Rural Municipalitiespublic works1
15Small and Rural Municipalitiesremote1
15Small and Rural Municipalitiesretention3
15Small and Rural Municipalitiesrural2
15Small and Rural Municipalitiesservice delivery4
15Small and Rural Municipalitiessmall5
15Small and Rural Municipalitiestransit2
16Taxes and Assessmentappeals3
16Taxes and Assessmentassessment6
16Taxes and AssessmentAssessment Review Board1
16Taxes and Assessmentcollections10
16Taxes and Assessmentlevy1
16Taxes and AssessmentMPAC1
16Taxes and Assessmentproperty tax5
16Taxes and Assessmentsmall business2
16Taxes and Assessmenttax arrears3
16Taxes and Assessmenttax rate2
16Taxes and Assessmenttax sales2
IDDNameDDateDDescDLinkDFileDTopicsDTypesDCatIDDCatNameDoc File Type
536City of Kingston - Surety Bond Policy and Council Report (2024)Mar 19, 2025The City of Kingston council report outlines the purpose of surety bonds, discussions on its use, and provides sample policies and templates. Kingston Surety Bond Policy 2024.pdfsurety bondpolicy, report, policy template6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
537City of Markham - Pay-On-Demand Surety Bonds Policy Report(2024)Mar 19, 2025The City of Markham has developed a surety bond policy following Section 70.3.1 of the Planning Act Pay-on-Demand Surety Bonds Policy.pdfsurety bondpolicy, policy template, report6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
538City of Vaughan - Standard Template for Development Agreement Surety Bond (2024)Mar 19, 2025The City of Vaughan has developed a standard template for Development Agreement Surety Bonds. Standard Template Agreement incl Schedule A Vaughan.pdfsurety bondtemplate6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
532City of Vaughan - Development Agreement Pay on Demand Surety Bond (2024)Mar 18, 2025The purpose of this Policy is to establish the criteria for the requirement, issuance, and management of development agreement pay on demand surety bonds from landowners and/or developers pursuant to Development Agreements with the City. 12.C.21 - Dev Agrmt Surety Bond.pdfsurety bondpolicy, policy template6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
533City of Guelph - Development Agreement Surety Bond TemplateMar 18, 2025The City of Guelph has developed a subdvision development agreement surety bond template. Development Agreement Surety Bond Template Final.pdfsurety bondtemplate6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
534Region of Durham - Report on Surety Bond Acceptance (2023)Mar 18, 2025The main purpose of this report is to update the Region’s policy for the acceptance of Letters of Credit and Surety Bonds. The policies only apply to securities submitted under Subdivision Agreements and Servicing Agreements for Non-Subdivision Related Agreements. DurhamReportSuretyBondAcceptance.pdfsurety bondreport6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
535Region of Halton - Council Report on Affordable Housing Development Charges Exemption under the Development Charges Act, 1997 (2025)Mar 18, 2025This report provides an update on the affordable housing development charges exemption under the DCA and its impact on the Region and its lower-tier municipalities. The report recommends that the Region enter into a memorandum of understanding with its four local municipalities for local administration of the Region’s affordable residential unit development charges exemption FN-05-25 w attchments.pdfdevelopment charges, affordable housingreport6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
521Township of Perth South - ARO Sheet for Data CollectionApr 09, 2024An excel template that municipalities can utilize to track asset retirement obligations (AROs) within their own municipality, as part of PS 3280. ARO Sheet for data collection.xlsxARO, public sector accounting boardtemplate1Accounting and Financial ReportingMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet
522Township of Perth South - ARO Presentation (2023)Apr 09, 2024A PowerPoint presentation on asset retirement obligations, which presents what AROs are, the importance of identifying AROs, and how to do so. Asset Retirement Obligations (ARO) Presentation - FINAL.pptxARO, public sector accounting boardpresentation1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
523List of Asset Retirement ObligationsApr 09, 2024A sample list of contaminants that municipalities may need to identify under PS 3280, Asset Retirement Obligations. Appendix A List of ARO based on Ministry Template (002) (1) (1).pdfARO, public sector accounting boardtemplate1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
524Town of Parry Sound - Council Report on Work from Home Policy (2021)Apr 09, 2024A sample council report on implementing a work from home policy from the Town of Parry Sound. Remote Work Policy ch (002).pdfwork from homecouncil report8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
525Township of South Algonquin - Procurement By-Law (2021)Apr 09, 2024A by-law to establish a policy for the procurement of goods and services. 21-665 Procurement-Policy.docxprocurementbylaw, bylaw template10Procurement and TenderingMicrosoft Word Document
526Township of South Algonquin - Capital Reinvestment Reserve Policy (2021)Apr 09, 2024The policy sets out the guiding principles for the financing of future capital expenditures in a manner that considers the infrastructure investment requirements of the Township as well as affordability issues for taxpayers. 21-669 Capital Reinvestment Reserve Policy.docxcapital financingpolicy, policy template5Debt and InvestmentMicrosoft Word Document
527Township of South Algonquin - Capital Financing and Debt Management Policy (2021)Apr 09, 2024This policy establishes objectives, standards of care, authorized financing instruments, reporting requirements and responsibilities for the prudent financing of the Township’s operating and infrastructure needs. 21-670 capital financing and debt management policy.docxcapital financing, debt managementpolicy, policy template5Debt and InvestmentMicrosoft Word Document
528Township of South Algonquin - Investment Policy (2021)Apr 09, 2024The goal of the Township investment policy shall be to set out the guiding principles and establish a statement of the Township’s investment policies and goals for the purpose of investing public funds held by the Township of South Algonquin, while meeting the related statutory requirements. Ideally the market yields should be higher than the rate given by the Township’s bank for the various bank accounts. 21-649 Investment policy.docxinvestmentpolicy, policy template5Debt and InvestmentMicrosoft Word Document
529Town of Parry Sound - Remote Work Policy (2021)Apr 09, 2024The Town of Parry Sound is committed to providing flexibility, where possible and practical, in its employment policies and practices. The Remote Work policy explores the opportunities for employees to work from home on an individual basis. HR 407 Remote Work Policy 2021 09 07 (002).pdfwork from homepolicy, policy template8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
530Township of South Algonquin - Reserves and Reserve Fund Policy (2021)Apr 09, 2024This policy is intended to set out the principles, mandatory requirements and guidelines for establishment, intention, maintenance, management and accounting treatment for Reserves and Reserve Funds, both obligatory and discretionary. 21-650 Reserve fund policy.docxreserves, reserve fundpolicy, policy template12Reserves and Reserve FundsMicrosoft Word Document
531Township of Perth South - Donations Policy (2022)Apr 09, 2024The policy establishes guidelines that ensure donations occur at arm’s length from the Township’s decision-making process and provides criteria and process for the acceptance of donations. Perth South - Donations Policy Final.pdfdonationspolicy, policy template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
519Township of Perth South - Asset Retirement Policy (2022)May 01, 2023This policy provides a detailed look at PS 3280, asset retirement obligations, and the Township's guiding principles and plan to ensure compliance. Perth South Asset Retirement Policy - Final (1) (1).pdfARO, public sector accounting boardpolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
520Township of Perth South - Council Report on ARO Policy (2022)May 01, 2023Municipalities must prepare an Asset Retirement Obligation Policy that establishes guidelines to ensure compliance with the new standard PSAB PS 3280 – Asset Retirement Obligations. The Treasurer has developed a draft Asset Retirement Obligation Policy for Council’s consideration. Council Report - Draft Asset Retirment Obligations Policy (1) (1).pdfARO, public sector accounting boardcouncil report, report1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
508City of Cambridge - Council Report on Development Charges and Community Benefit Charges Legislation Update (2020)Mar 02, 2023This report will provide Cambridge Council with an overview of changes to the Development Charges Act and introduce the proposed policy related to development charge interest. Cambridge 2020-09-22_20-224(CRS) Development Charge & Community Benefit Charge Legislation Update.pdfdevelopment charges, community benefits charge,report, council report6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
509Township of Wilmot - By-Law to Establish the Tax Levy (2021)Mar 02, 2023This by-law establishes the final 2021 tax rate and details about that year's tax levy. By-Law 2021-23 Final Tax Levy Rates.pdftax rate, levybylaw, template16Taxes and AssessmentAdobe Acrobat Document
510Region of Durham - Budget Management Policy (2020)Mar 02, 2023This policy provides a guideline for the expenditure of funds, provides an accountability framework that establishes the extent of authority for spending decisions, both planned and unanticipated, and outlines the discretion permitted in the spending decisions within the authority as delegated by Regional Council. Budget-Management-Policy---05-20-20.pdfbudget, financial managementpolicy, policy template4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
511City of Windsor - COVID-19 Vaccination Policy (2021)Mar 02, 2023This policy sets out that staff are strongly recommended to receive the COVID-19 vaccination and provides details on implementation of the mandate. COVID-19-Vaccination-Policy.pdfCOVID-19policy, policy template8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
512County of Dufferin - Council Report on Small Business Sub-class (2021)Mar 02, 2023The purpose of this report is to provide Council with background information regarding the Optional Small Business Subclass and determine next steps. CC 2021-10-14 Small Business Subclass.docxproperty tax, small businesscouncil report, report16Taxes and AssessmentMicrosoft Word Document
513Municipality of Middlesex Centre - Reserves and Reserve Fund Policy (2020)Mar 02, 2023The primary objectives for reserves and reserve funds shall be: Adherence to statutory requirements; Promotion of financial stability and flexibility; Provision for major capital expenditures; Smooth expenditures which would otherwise cause fluctuations in the operating budget; and, to take advantage of financial opportunities that may arise. This policy establishes the objectives for reserves and reserve funds, standard of care, as well as it delineates the responsibilities for their management and administration 2020-037 To adopt a Municipal Policy - Reserve Fund Policy.pdfreserves, reserve fundpolicy, policy template12Reserves and Reserve FundsAdobe Acrobat Document
514City of Guelph - Community Benefits Charge and Parkland Dedication By-laws Approval – Clarity Memo (2022)Mar 02, 2023This memo outlines the approval process for the City's CBC and parkland dedication and details on the purpose of the by-law. Community Benefits Charges and Parkland Dedication By-law Approvals - Clarity Memo - 2022-240.pdfcommunity benefits charge, parkland dedicationreport6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
515Township of Leeds and Thousand Islands - By-law and Procurement Policy (2021)Mar 02, 2023The policy applies to the procurement of goods and services by the municipality, providing extensive detail on the procurement process for the municipality. 21-039 - Procurement Policy.pdfprocurement, tenderingpolicy, bylaw, template, policy template10Procurement and TenderingAdobe Acrobat Document
516County of Bruce - Council Report on Small Business Property Tax Class Options (2021)Mar 02, 2023The purpose of this report is to provide additional information regarding this new legislation to create a small business property tax class, including identified challenges for possible implementation, consultation outcomes and any recommendations for consideration. Bruce County Small Business Property Tax Class Options.pdfsmall business, property taxcouncil report, report16Taxes and AssessmentAdobe Acrobat Document
517Township of Malahide - Tax Rate By-law (2021)Mar 02, 2023By-law to establish tax rates for 2021. 21-36 - 2021 Final Tax Rate By-Law 21-36.docxtax rate, property taxbylaw, template16Taxes and AssessmentMicrosoft Word Document
505Township of Perth South - Asset Retirement Policy (2022)Mar 01, 2023This policy documents processes by which asset retirement obligations (PS 3280) will be recognized, measured, updated, and integrated into existing processes, and related roles and responsibilities. Perth South Asset Retirement Policy - Final.pdfasset retirement obligation, PS3280, assets, PSAB, AROpolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
506Township of Perth South - Council Report on ARO Policy (2022)Mar 01, 2023The council report on the asset retirement obligation policy provides background on PS 3280 and the intent of the PSAB standard, as well as details on how the policy will be used in the Township of South Perth. Council Report - Draft Asset Retirment Obligations Policy.pdfasset retirement obligation, PS3280, PSAB, ARO, reportingcouncil report, report1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
507Township of Perth South - ARO Work PlanMar 01, 2023This spreadsheet is a detailed work plan on how a municipality can work towards implementing PS 3280. Asset Retirement Obligations Work Plan Revised.xlsxasset retirement obligation, ARO, PS3280, PSABtemplate1Accounting and Financial ReportingMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet
499Town of St. Mary's - COVID-19 Vaccination Policy (2021)Oct 14, 2022The Town of St. Mary's has adopted a vaccination policy to safeguard the health and safety of everyone with whom we work—including the public—and to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. HSY-P-023 - Mandatory COVID -19 Vaccination Policy and Testing procedure.pdfpublic healthpolicy, policy template8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
500Township of Scugog - COVID-19 Vaccination Policy Report (2021)Oct 14, 2022The Township of Scugog's council report on covid-19 vaccination policies. The Township has developed a vaccination policy that strongly supports vaccinations, respects staff and continues to support the safety of staff and residents. Township of Scugog COVID-19 Vaccination Policy - CAO-2021-008.pdfpublic healthpolicy, policy template, report8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
501City of Vaughan - Report on Council Expenses, Comparable Policies from Comparator Municipalities (2016)Oct 14, 2022This report is a compilation of Council Expense policies from various municipalities, including City of Vaughan, City of London, Town of Aurora, and more. CLEX0216_16_C2.pdfexpensesreport8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
502Town of Prescott - Corporate Credit Card Policy (2019)Oct 14, 2022This policy is designed to ensure that organizational transactions are carried out as efficiently as possible while minimizing the risk of abuse or fraud involving unauthorized or inappropriate use of Corporate Credit Cards. FN-100-02-Corporate-Credit-Card-Policy.pdfcredit cardpolicy, policy template8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
503Municipality of Hastings Highlands - Corporate Expenses Policy (2018)Oct 14, 2022This expense policy covers how the Municipality will govern processes related to conferences, conventions, seminars, and other business expenses. 2018-075.Corporate.Expense.Policy-1.pdfcouncil, travelpolicy, policy template8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
504Township of Scugog - COVID-19 Vaccination Policy (2021)Oct 14, 2022To help reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in Township facilities and workplaces, this vaccination policy is an important measure that complements other health and safety measures in place including daily staff COVID-19 assessments, mandatory masking, physical distancing, hand hygiene and enhanced cleaning. Attachment No. 1 COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.pdfpublic healthpolicy, policy template8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
498Talking Finance With Your Council (2022 MFOA Presentation)Jul 04, 2022MFOA's Donna Herridge and Heather Brown presented at the 2022 AMCTO Conference on "Talking Finance With Your Council". This presentation provides an overview on considerations that staff must make when discussing finance with current and incoming Councils. The presentation also includes an overview of different communication and learning styles to consider. Talking Finance with Your Council (FINAL) no notes.pptxcouncil, budget, financial planpresentation, ppt4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
495City of Vaughan - Letter of Credit Policy (2019)May 12, 2022This policy establishes the minimum standards for the acceptance, custody, and administration of Letters of Credit and other acceptable forms of security to protect the financial interest of the City. 12.C.04 Letter of Credit Policy.pdfletter of creditpolicy, policy template7Funding ProgramsAdobe Acrobat Document
496Region of York - Standard Documentation for Letters of CreditMay 12, 2022This document is a standard template for documentation for letters of credit. Letter+of+Credit+-+Finance+and+Administration.pdfletter of credittemplate7Funding ProgramsAdobe Acrobat Document
497City of Cambridge - Example Letter of Credit FormMay 12, 2022This document is a template letter of credit form. New-Letter-Of-Credit-Template_SitePlan.pdfletter of credittemplate7Funding ProgramsAdobe Acrobat Document
493Town of Petrolia - Guide for Integrated Long-Term Financial Planning ModelMay 11, 2022This guide is intended to help municipalities start their long-term financial planning. Each municipality is unique and will have to adapt the model for their unique circumstances. Over several years, MFOA supported Petrolia in developing this model. In 2018, with funding assistance from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Petrolia was able to further develop and document its LTFP. See the Town of Petrolia Excel model in MFOA's Virtual Library as an accompanying document. Petrolia Integrated Long Term Financial Planning Model - DRAFT Guide Jul 18 updated.docxlong-term finanical planguide4Budgeting and Financial PlanningMicrosoft Word Document
494Town of Petrolia - Basic Strategic Long-Term Financial Planning Model (2018)May 11, 2022The Town of Petrolia has developed a long-term financial planning model to be easy to set-up and maintain for municipalities with limited staff, capacity and time. The model integrates revenues and expenses, including existing and planned loan payments, planned capital expenditures, reserves, annual operating surpluses/deficits, annual debt repayment limits, and total debt outstanding. Basic Strategic LTFP.xlsxlong-term financial plantemplate4Budgeting and Financial PlanningMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet
487City of Markham - 2020 Strategic Direction for Our EconomyApr 28, 2022The focus of the economic plan is to take advantage of the strategic opportunities presented by our changing marketplace. Our strategy provides a performance-based plan to guide Markham's economic development over the next 10 years. final+ecostrategy+report.pdfeconomic developmentguide6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
488Town of Newmarket - Donation PolicyApr 28, 2022The purpose of the Donations Policy is to set out guiding principles for the eligibility and definition of donations made to the Town, the eligibility for donation receipts, and the amount to be recognized. Finance Policy - Donation Policy (FIN.7.01)- accessible.pdfdonationpolicy, policy template6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
489Town of Kapukasing - Economic Development StrategyApr 28, 2022In an attempt to strengthen Kapuskasing’s existing industrial base, while at the same time adding diversity to the local economy, the following themes have been addressed in Kapuskasing’s Economic Development Strategy: Labour Force Development and Youth Retention and Attraction; Focus on Retaining and Expanding Traditional Industries; Emerging Sectors; and Community Infrastructure and Quality of Life Kapuskasing-Final-Strategy.pdfeconomic developmentguide6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
490City of Mississauga - Entrepreneurship and Innovation Study (2019)Apr 28, 2022The purpose of the Mississauga Entrepreneurship and Innovation Study is “to conduct research and an assessment of role of the City of Mississauga Economic Development Office (EDO) in the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem in Mississauga”. Mississauga entrepreneurship and innovation study 2019.pdfcommunity, developmentguide6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
491City of Mississauga - Economic Development Strategy 2020-2025Apr 28, 2022The Economic Development Strategy for 2020-2025 sets out the city’s priorities for growth. The City of Mississauga has developed this strategy with stakeholders in the business, education and wider community. The city will work with partners and investors to secure investment, deliver change and animate action. Mississauga-Economic-Development-Strategy-2020-25-Strategic-Framework.pdfeconomic developmentguide6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
492City of Windsor - Brownfield Rehabilitation Property Tax Assistance / Rehab Grant Program Guide (2015)Apr 28, 2022The intent of the Brownfields Property Tax Assistance Program is to provide a financial incentive in the form of a freeze of city property taxes and education property taxes for up to 3 years during and after the remediation and redevelopment of a brownfield property to help offset the costs of environmental remediation. The intent of the Brownfields Rehabilitation Grant Program is to provide a financial incentive in the form of an annual grant for up to 10 years after the remediation and redevelopment of a brownfield property to help offset the costs of environmental remediation, rehabilitation, adaptive re-use and redevelopment. Windsor BF Property Tax Assistance Rehab Grant Program Guide (Septermber 2015).pdfbrownfield, grantguide6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
481Town of Gananoque - By-law to Re-Establish a Community Improvement Plan (2020)Apr 19, 2022A by-law to re-establish a CIP as well as a sample Community Improvement Plan. 2020-079-Establish a Community Improvement Plan (CIP)-30Jun2020_0.pdfcommunity, CIPbylaw, guide6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
482Township of Montague - Grant Donation Policy (2019)Apr 19, 2022The Township of Montague’s policy on municipal grants and donations is to establish and maintain an orderly procedure for organizations and groups making application for grant money from the Township. 3733-2019_-_Montague_Grant-Donation_Policy.pdfgrant, donationpolicy, policy template6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
483City of Dryden - By-law to Amend Chapter 118, Business and Trade LicensingApr 19, 2022The by-law to amend Chapter 118 - Business and Trade Licensing is to delegate the economic development manager to approve applications for business and trade licensing. ADDED - By-Law 4537-2018 Amend Chapter118 Business and Trade Licensing Addition of EDM.pdffees, licensingbylaw6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
484Town of Halton Hills - Economic Development and Tourism Strategy (2021-2026)Apr 19, 2022The strategy provides a 5-year framework and is meant to be a flexible and living document for the municipality. ADMIN-2021-0002 Appendix 4 - Strategy Summary Document.pdfeconomic development, tourismguide6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
485City of Guelph - Brownfield Redevelopment, Community Improvement Plan (2018)Apr 19, 2022Brownfields can have real and significant environmental, economic and social impacts on a community. The City of Guelph has compiled a historical land use database of 400 properties that will be characterized based on their risk of environmental contamination. Brownfield-CIPconsolodation-July2018.pdfbrownfield, communityguide6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
486City of Kingston - Brownfields Community Improvement Plan (2020)Apr 19, 2022The purpose of the Brownfields CIP is to facilitate the implementation of the City of Kingston’s Brownfields Redevelopment Strategy and to provide financial incentives to encourage private sector investment in the Rehabilitation and redevelopment of Brownfield Sites in the approved Community Improvement Project Areas. Brownfields_Community-Improvement-Plan.pdfbrownfield, communityguide6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
477City of Oshawa - Debt Management Policy (2018)Mar 24, 2022As a best practice, fiscal policies need to be well documented to guide the financial operations of the City. The purpose of this report is to provide Council with a comprehensive policy document concerning the City’s debt management practices for approval. oshawadebtmanagementpolicy.pdfdebt managementpolicy, policy template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
479City of Toronto - Report to Council on Debt Limit (2021)Mar 24, 2022This report discusses the potential impacts on the City’s borrowing costs from increasing the debt ceiling and the potential corresponding credit rating downgrade to an "A" rating. Toronto-report-on-debt-limit-2021.pdfborrowing, debt managementreport5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
480City of Toronto - Report to Council on Investment Policy Update (2020)Mar 24, 2022Since January 1, 2018, the City's long-term investments have been managed by the Toronto Investment Board under a new Council adopted Investment Policy which is based on the prudent investor standard. Changes to the Investment Policy are reviewed and adopted by TIB before they are brought forward to City Council. This report also responds to Council direction to review and report on sections of the Investment Policy with regard to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors and makes recommendations to enhance these sections. Toronto-report-on-investment-policy-2021.pdfinvestmentreport5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
478Municipality of Middlesex Centre - Temporary Borrowing By-law (2020)Mar 23, 2022A by-law to authorize temporary borrowing to meet current expenditures for the year ending December 31, 2020 Temporary-Borrowing-By-law-2019-126.pdfborrowingbylaw, template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
468County of Perth - Temporary Borrowing By-law (2019)Mar 23, 2022A by-law for temporary borrowing, as outlined in Section 407(1) of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001 3712-2019 Borrowing By-law.pdfborrowingbylaw, template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
470Town of Latchford - Temporary Borrowing By-law (2021)Mar 23, 2022A by-law to authorize borrowing funds for current expenditures for the year 2021. Bylaw-Number-2021-002-Borrowing-Bylaw.pdfborrowingbylaw, template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
472City of Chatham-Kent - Debt Management StrategyMar 23, 2022The debt management strategy includes recommended principles that may be employed in managing the financing of the asset management plan, new assets and more specifically debt management. CK-Debt-Management-Policy.pdfasset management, debt managementpolicy, policy template, guide5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
473City of Guelph - Debt Management Policy (2020)Mar 23, 2022The purpose of this debt management policy is to: establish financial guidelines and appropriate benchmarks for the issuance and use of debt in the City of Guelph; ensure long-term financial flexibility and sustainability; limit financial vulnerability; integrate with other long-term planning, financial and management objectives of the City; assist with ensuring that the municipality maintains a sound financial position and that the worthiness of the City’s credit rating is protected; and ensure that the City’s financial practices comply with statutory requirements Guelph-DebtManagementPolicy.pdfdebt managmeentpolicy, policy template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
476City of Kingston - Council Report on Debt Management Plan (2019)Mar 23, 2022The following council report is a detailed description of the purpose and use of debt, as well as the background on a debt management plan. Kingston-City-Council_Meeting-2019-28_Report-19-254_Debt-Management-Plan_Final.pdfdebt managementreport5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
475City of Guelph - Investment Policy (2021)Mar 22, 2022The policy outlines the investment goals and objectives of the City of Guelph and defines the parameters within which staff may invest funds not required immediately. InvestmentPolicy.pdfinvestmentpolicy, policy template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
471City of Barrie - Capital Financing and Debt Management Policy (2018)Mar 22, 2022This policy establishes objectives, standards of care, authorized financing instruments, reporting requirements, and responsibilities for the prudent financing of the Municipality's operating and infrastructure needs. Capital-Financing-and-Debt-Management-Policy.pdfcapital financing, debt managementpolicy, policy template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
469Town of Blue Mountains - Temporary Borrowing By-law (2017)Mar 21, 2022A By-law to authorize certain new capital works of The Corporation of the Town of The Blue Mountains bluemountainstemporaryborrowing.pdfborrowingbylaw, template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
474City of Brampton - Investment Policy (2020)Mar 21, 2022The purpose of this Policy is to provide investment guidelines which will direct the investment of the City’s funds not immediately required. Investment-Policy-FIN-200.pdfinvestmentpolicy, policy template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
450County of Oxford - 2019 Water Financial PlanMar 21, 2022The County of Oxford staff prepared the Water Financial Plan as part of the five elements the Ministry requires to issue a municipal drinking water license as per the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002. 2019WaterFinancialPlanUpd20191104.pdfwater, financial planguide4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
451County of Norfolk - 2019 Water System Financial PlanMar 21, 2022The primary purpose of the Water System Financial Plan is to consider the financial impacts of supporting the water system infrastructure in Norfolk County over the forecasted period. 2019-Financial-Report.pdfwater, financial planguide4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
452Municipality of North Middlesex - 2020 Budget PresentationMar 21, 2022A draft presentation to Council on the 2020 budget. While the priority of these budgets was control on spending; staff were aware of our need to conserve the programs, services and infrastructure of North Middlesex for our residents. Staff understands the financial pressures many tax payers are facing and have tried to find an appropriate balance 2020-Budget-Presentation.pdfbudget, councilpresentation, ppt4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
453Township of King - 2021 Budget PresentationMar 21, 2022This is a presentation to Council on the 2021 budget. Includes the proposed operating and capital budgets, and information on how to use reserves. 2021 Budget Presentation - COMMITTEE OF WHOLE (JAN 25) Revised with Additional Slides.pdfbudget, councilpresentation, ppt4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
454District of Muskoka - 2021 Draft Tax Supported Operating Budget and Draft Capital Budget and ForecastMar 21, 2022The following presentation to Council includes a synopsis of the budget, a historical overview of the municipality's finances and proposed budget amendments. 2021---COW---Tax-Supported-Budget-Final.pdfbudget, councilpresentation, ppt4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
455Town of Carleton Place - Water and Wastewater Financial Plan (2020)Mar 21, 2022The preparation of a financial plan is a key requirement for licensing and as such, must be undertaken by all municipal water providers. ApprovedWaterLicencingFinancialPlan-2020.pdfwater, financial planreport4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
456Municipality of Chatham-Kent - Council Report on Multi-Year Budget Policy (2020)Mar 21, 2022This Council report outlines the municipality's process to move to a multi-year budget and includes a copy of the policy. The purpose of the multi-year budget policy is to define the approach to be used for multi-year budget planning and Council approvals. CK-multi-year-budget-report.pdfbudget, council, multi-year budgetpolicy, policy template4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
457Municipality of Chatham-Kent - Long-Term Financial Planning StrategyMar 21, 2022The goal of the plan is to ensure that the Municipality is in a sound financial position so that it can provide services, along with the associated infrastructure and assets, to the community in an affordable way by making decisions consistent with the Plan CK-Long-Term-Financial-Planning-Strategy.pdflong-term financial planreport, guide4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
458Town of Hawkesbury - Long-Term Financial Plan (2020)Mar 21, 2022The primary objective of this financial plan is to assess the Town’s current financial position and develop a long-term overview of forecasted revenues, operating expenses and capital expenditures, in order to enhance its financial position and work toward a sustainability of its long-term assets to ensure that the Town can deliver its expected level of services to its citizen. Financial_Plan_-_Hawkesbury_-_Final.pdflong-term financial planreport4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
459City of Waterloo - Mutli-Year Budget Approval Policy (2019)Mar 21, 2022The purpose of this policy is to define the procedures for multiple year budget approvals. Multiple-year-budget-approval.pdfbudget, multi-year budgetpolicy, policy template4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
460Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc - 2021 Budget PresentationMar 21, 2022The 2021 budget presentation to Council. Provides budget highlights and comparators. POWERPOINT-2021-Budget-Presentation-updated-Dec-7.pdfbudget, councilpresentation, ppt4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
461City of London - 2021 Tax Supported Budget Annual UpdateMar 21, 2022On March 2, 2020, Municipal Council approved the City’s second Multi-Year Budget covering the period from 2020 to 2023. The City of London is entering its first annual update to the 2020 to 2023 budget period. Tax-2021-Annual-Budget-Update-DRAFT-FINAL.pdfbudget, council, multi-year budgetreport4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
462City of Toronto - Long-Term Financial Plan (2018)Mar 21, 2022City Council would benefit from a framework to address municipal challenges, deliver on Council's directions, and provide improved mechanisms for longer-term financial decision-making. This document provides this framework. Torontolong-termfinanicalplan2018.pdflong-term financial plan, councilreport, guide4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
463City of Toronto - Presentation on Long-Term Financial Plan (2018)Mar 21, 2022A presentation to Council from the City Manager's office on Toronto's long-term financial plan Torontopresentationlong-termfinancialplan2018.pdflong-term financial planpresentation, ppt4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
464City of Toronto - Council Report on Long-Term Financial Plan (2018)Mar 21, 2022This report tables the City of Toronto's Long-Term Financial Plan for Council consideration. The Long-Term Financial Plan provides a framework for longer-term financial decision-making, including strategies and key actions to facilitate multi-year, integrated, strategic decision-making. Toronto report on long-term financial plan 2018.pdflong-term financial plan, councilreport4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
465Ciy of Guelph - Water and Wastewater Long-Range Financial Plan (2019)Mar 21, 2022This Financial Plan reflects Guelph’s legislative requirements, direction from Guelph City Council, continued input from community members, and the strategic focus areas of the City’s Corporate Strategic Plan. Water-and-Wastewater-Long-Range-Financial-Plan2.pdfwater, financial planreport4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
466Region of Durham - Water Financial Plan (2019)Mar 21, 2022The Financial Plan includes capital and operating costs, acquisition and disposal of tangible capital assets including amortization costs and consideration of available funding sources. The Financial Plan complies with Ontario Regulation 453/07 for an existing water system. Water-Financial-Plan.pdfwater, financial planreport4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
467Town of Smith Falls - 2020 Temporary Borrowing By-lawMar 21, 2022The following is a report to Council and temporary borrowing by-law for the fiscal year ending December 2020. 2020-Temporary-Borrowing-Bylaw.pdfborrowingbylaw, template, report5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
439City of Waterloo - Indoor Ice Facility Allocation Policy and Procedures (2016)Mar 17, 2022This policy and procedures helps ensure ice facilities are used to the greatest benefit for the entire community, to provide a broad range of activities, in a fair and equitable manner, and to address operational needs, while optimizing the use of the existing inventory of ice pads. Ice-allocation-policy.pdfcharges, revenuepolicy, policy template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
440Municipality of Chatham-Kent - Multi-Residential Building Permit Fees (2020)Mar 17, 2022A Council Report on revising permit fees for multi-residential buildings. Jun-15-15b.pdfcharges, permitreport, bylaw2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
441City of Kingston - By-law to Establish Fees and Charges (2021)Mar 17, 2022This by-law includes the details of fees and charges that are collected by the City of Kingston. Kingston-Fees-Charges-Bylaw.pdfchargesbylaw, template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
442Town of Newmarket - Donations Policy (2018)Mar 17, 2022The purpose of the Donations Policy is to set out guiding principles for the eligibility and definition of donations made to the Town, the eligibility for donation receipts, and the amount to be recognized. NewmarketDonationPolicy.pdfdonationspolicy, policy template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
445Township of Huron-Kinloss - By-law to Prohibit and Regulate Signs and Other Advertising Devices (2019)Mar 17, 2022A bylaw to regulate the use and restrictions of signs and other advertising devices Regulate-Signs.pdffees, chargesbylaw, template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
446City of Brampton - Sponsorship and Naming Rights Policy (2019)Mar 17, 2022Sponsorship is a marketing oriented contracted arrangement that can be in the form of monetary or in-kind contributions in return for recognition, public acknowledgement, or promotional considerations. Naming Rights provide rights for the public display of a third party’s name on a City Asset or sub-component of a City Asset for a defined period of time in exchange for monetary or in-kind contribution. Sponsorship-and-Naming-Rights-Policy-ECD-100.pdffees, charges, revenuepolicy, policy template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
447City of Peterborough - Sponsorship, Naming Rights, and Advertising PolicyMar 17, 2022The purpose, goals and objectives of the City’s Sponsorship, Naming Rights and Advertising Policy as follows: to generate non-tax revenue by working with community partners through Sponsorship, Naming Rights and Advertising, where appropriate; to provide an avenue for corporate partners to promote their company’s brand or service by reaching out to audiences that utilize City services; to encourage competitive bidding where practicable; to ensure openness, accountability and transparency while protecting the best interests of the City of Peterborough; to provide clear direction to City staff who have Sponsorship, Naming Rights and Advertising responsibilities. Sponsorship-Naming-Rights-and-Advertising-Policy.pdffees, charges, revenuepolicy, policy template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
448Town of Petawawa - Ice Allocation Policy and Guideline (2021)Mar 17, 2022The purpose of the Ice Allocation Policy and Guideline is to establish parameters for the allocation and management of indoor ice owned and operated by the Town of Petawawa. It has been developed to address changing demographics, changes within the Petawawa ice sports community and the local market supply of indoor ice. TownofPetawawaIceAllocationPolicyandGuideline(2021).pdffees, charges, revenuepolicy, policy template, guide2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
434City of Windsor - Donations Policy (2018)Mar 17, 2022The purpose of this policy is to define what constitutes a donation and establish the guidelines for: Accepting a municipal donation, Recording a municipal donation, and Issuing a receipt for a municipal donation DonationsPolicy.pdfdonationspolicy, policy template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
435Town of Parry Sound - Donations Policy (2015)Mar 17, 2022The purpose of this policy is to provide a corporate policy for receiving donationsand issuing income tax receipts. This policy applies where an income tax receipt isrequested for donations. This policy will clarify when and how receipts for incometax purposes will be issued. Donations_Policy_Approved_July_21_2015.pdfdonationspolicy, policy template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
437City of Waterloo - Fees and Charges By-law (2020)Mar 17, 2022This by-law is in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Planning Act, 1990. Includes schedules with details on fees and charges. Fees-and-Charges-Bylaw.pdfchargesbylaw, template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
436City of Richmond Hill - Indoor and Outdoor Facility Booking GuideMar 16, 2022This is an easy guide for staff to distribute to residents who may want to book municipal facilities for events and occassions. The guide includes a FAQ, information on required documentation, and important dates. FacilityBookingGuide_V14_SinglePages.pdfrevenue, user fees, chargesguide2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
432City of Toronto - Council Report on Community Benefits Framework (2019)Mar 16, 2022The Community Benefits Framework responds to social and economic conditions by utilizing City community benefits levers to create targeted hiring and training opportunities, provide economic opportunities, reduce poverty, and support community priorities among Indigenous peoples and equity-seeking groups in Toronto. community benefits framework.pdfcommunity benefits, economic development, communityreport6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
433City of Owen Sound - Campground Booking Refund Policy (2020)Mar 16, 2022This policy is to establish clear policy for staff and campground users for administering campground booking refund requests. This policy applies to all campground booking contracts including online bookings, and bookings confirmed in person at the campground booth, via email and/or by phone. CS086-Campground-Booking-Refund-Policy.pdfuser feespolicy, policy template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
425City of Richmond - Credit Card Payment Service Fee By-law (2016)Mar 16, 2022The purpose of the staff report and related by-law are to look for alternatives to ePost, the Canada Post online bill delivery service. _1_Credit_Card_Payment_Service_Fee_Bylaw953643944.pdfbanking, banking serviceby-law, template, report10Procurement and TenderingAdobe Acrobat Document
427Town of Smith Falls - Municipal Corporate Sponsorship, Advertisement, and Donations PolicyMar 16, 2022The purpose of this policy is to provide clear and transparent guidelines to Council, staff and the public about the corporate sponsorship, advertisement and/or donation process where the Town is the recipient of the funds or in-kind sponsorship/donation. Appendix-A-_-Municipal-Corporate-Sponsorship-Advertisement-and-Donations-Policy.pdfadvertisement, donationspolicy, policy template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
449Township of Tay - User Fees and Service Charges By-law (2020)Mar 16, 2022This by-law establishes the fees and charges for various municipal services including cemetery services. User-Fees-and-Service-Charges-By-law.pdffees, chargespolicy, policy template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
444City of Peterborough - Arena Division Ice Allocation Policy (2019)Mar 16, 2022The purpose of this Policy is to: Guide decision-making and priority-setting for the allocation of Facility Time at CityArena Facilities; Ensure responsible management and allocation of Facility Time that is equitable, reasonable, and fair, ensures optimum usage and programming, minimizes risk and operational issues, and enhances the fiscal health of such Facilities Policy-2019-0044-Ice-Allocation-Policy-Approved-Acc-Jan13.pdffees, chargespolicy, policy template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
428Township of Strathroy-Caradoc - Bylaw to Provide for Construction, Demolition, Change of Use, and Occupancy Permits, Inspections and Related MattersMar 15, 2022This bylaw follows Section 7 of the Building Code Act which empowers Municipal Councils to pass bylaws respecting construction, demolition and change of use permits and related matters. bylaw_30_06_respecting_building_permits_with_Sched_C_amended_72-14.pdfpermit, development chargesbylaw, template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
429Township of Wilmot - Fees and Charges By-law (2021)Mar 15, 2022The following bylaw outlines the various fees, charges, and fee schedule as allowed under the Municipal Act, 2001 and Planning Act, 1990. By-Law-2021-01-Fees-and-Charges.pdfchargesbylaw, template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
426Region of Durham - Temporary Signs By-law (2017)Mar 15, 2022This by-law is to regulate temporary signs and banners devices on or adjacent to Regional roads. 76-2017 Temporary Signs Bylaw.pdfrevenue, signs, advertisementbylaw, template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
431Community Benefits in York Region Toolkit (2019)Mar 15, 2022Community benefits are a proven, progressive way to maximize the benefits of dollars already being spent on goods, services, infrastructure and development to drive more equitable and inclusive economic growth. CBA-Toolkit.pdfeconomic development, community benefits, communityreport, guide6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
424Municipality of Sioux Lookout - Request for Proposal External Audit Services (2020)Mar 14, 2022Through this RFP, the Municipality seeks to: Secure Audit Services to audit the accounts, transactions, working papers and financial statements pertaining to all operations of the Municipality and its appointed boards and commissions; specify the terms and conditions that would govern and describe any resulting policy; and determine any successful proponents RFP-No-025-2020-External-Audit-Services.pdfauditrequest for proposal, rfp1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
438City Of Vaughan - Development Services Fee Structure ReviewMar 14, 2022The following is a 2018 Council Report outlining a fee structure review completed by the City of Vaughan. Finance_0403_18_2.pdfcharges, development chargereport2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
422City of Windsor - Review of Cash Control ProceduresMar 14, 2022Results of the City of Windsor's internal audit from 2017. Report completed by PWC. review-of-cash-control-procedures.pdfauditreport1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
430Town of Arnprior - Bylaw to Impose User Fees and ChargesMar 14, 2022This bylaw outlines the various costs for municipal services within the municipality. Includes descriptions of services. By-Law-7134-21-User-Fees-and-Charges-Accessible-copy.pdfuser fees, chargesbylaw, template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
411City of Waterloo - Cash Handling PolicyMar 14, 2022This Policy sets out good business practices for handling cash and cash receipts. The establishment of strong internal controls for cash collections is necessary to prevent mishandling of funds and to safeguard against loss. Cash-handling-policy-report-without-staff-report.pdfcashpolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
414City of Waterloo - Collections Policy for Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water (2017)Mar 14, 2022The intent of this policy is to effectively and equitably manage the City of Waterloo water and sanitary sewer, and stormwater receivables, work with customers to meet their payment obligations in a timely manner, rectify issues where payment remains outstanding, and account for the receipt of payments. Collections-policy-water-sanitary-sewer-and-stormwater-receivables.pdfcollectionspolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
417Township of McNab/Braeside - Request for Quote: External Audit ServicesMar 14, 2022The following RFQ is a short form for quotation for external audit services. FIN-01-2019 EXTERNAL AUDIT SERVICES - Addendum 1.pdfauditrequest for proposal, rfp1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
418Town of Prescott - Council, Committee, Local Board Members, and Employee Travel and Expenses Policy (2019)Mar 14, 2022This policy applies to all Town of Prescott Members of Council, Committees, Local Boards, and Town employees travelling on town business FN-100-01-Council-and-Employee-Travel-and-Expenses.pdfcouncil expense, otherpolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
419Region of York - Write-Off of Uncollectable POA Fines and Collection Strategy (2018)Mar 14, 2022The report seeks Council approval to write-off of Provincial Offences Act (POA) default fines that have been deemed uncollectable in accordance with The Ministry of Attorney General’s Write-Off Directive and Operating Guideline and the Region’s Court Services Collections Policy. may+10+write+off.pdfPOA, collectionsreport1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
420City of Brampton - Mayor and Councillors' Expense PolicyMar 14, 2022The purpose of this Policy is to provide the business rules and guidelines for expenditures that support Members of Council in performing their diverse roles and in representing their constituents. MayorandCouncillorsExpensePolicyFIN-110.pdfcouncil expensepolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
421City of Barrie - Reimbursement of Council Expenses PolicyMar 11, 2022The City of Barrie is committed to the reimbursement of its elected officials for all reasonable costs incurred in the course of fulfilling their duties. It is expected that all elected officials who incur business expenses, will adhere to the ethical standards of the community and will exercise their best judgment when incurring such expenses. ReimbursementofCouncilExpensesPolicy.pdfcouncil expensepolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
415City of Windsor - Cash Receipts Control Policy (2018)Mar 11, 2022This policy is To prevent, deter and detect errors, fraud or theft, promote the safeguarding of cash receipts under secure conditions, accurate recording and prompt deposit to the City’s bank account, outline best practices for all aspects of cash receipts handling, provide a comprehensive guideline for the development of departmental cash receipts control procedures, emphasize segregation of duties and/or independent verification as a prime feature of departmental procedures for cash receipts handling, facilitate timely and accurate recording and reporting of cash receipts in the financial system. CorporateWideCashReceiptsControlPolicy.pdfcashpolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
416Town of Midland - Tax Collection Policy (2019)Mar 11, 2022The purpose of this policy is to establish the responsibilities, internal controls, authorizations and procedures ensuring the timely, accurate and efficient preparation and collection of property taxes. CP-2019-04 Tax Collection Policy_FINAL.pdfcollectionspolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
412Town of Collingwood - COVID-19 Cash Handling and Processing Payments Policy (2020)Mar 11, 2022This policy is to provide guidance to staff who will be handling cash and processing payments during the COVID-19 pandemic. cash_handling_procedure_covid-19_rev1.pdfcash, covid-19policy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
413Town of Amherstburg - Cash Receipts Control Policy (2016)Mar 11, 2022This policy ensures that by using best practises, all cash receipts are maintained under secure conditions, recorded properly in the Town’s records, and deposited promptly to the Town’s bank accounts. Cash-Receipts-Control-Policy.pdfcashpolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
408County of Huron - RFP for External Audit Services (2020)Mar 11, 2022This request for proposal is to obtain external audit services. The sample RFP includes detailed terms, instructions for applicants, and a scope of the work requirements. 2020-CSD-03-RFP-External-Audit-Servies.pdfaudit, consultantrequest for proposal, rfp1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
409City of Windsor - Accounts Receivable Collections Policy (2020)Mar 11, 2022The City of Windsor's Accounts Receivable Collections policy is meant to establish a reporting structure governing collection activities that enhances the integrity of the collection process and safeguards Corporate assets. Account-Receivable-Collections-Policy.pdfaccounts receivablepolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
410City of Windsor - Accounts Receivable Policy (2020)Mar 11, 2022This policy is intended to govern the issuance of necessary accounts receivable, that are in the best interest of, and further support the operations of the City. Accounts-Receivable-Policy.pdfaccounts receivablepolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
423Township of Algonquin Highlands - Request for Proposal for Financial Audit Services (2017)Mar 11, 2022The Township is requesting proposals from firms that are both interested and capable of undertaking the project and reporting its findings. The onus is on the proponent to show its knowledge, understanding and capacity to conduct the work outlined in the Request for Proposal. RFP-Audit-2017.pdfauditrequest for proposal, rfp1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
375Region of York's Insurance and Risk Management PolicyNov 07, 2019York Region's policy governing the utilization and application of insurance and risk management practices and procedures Insurance and Risk Management - Finance.pdfinsurance, risk managementpolicy, policy template13Risk ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
207Region of York - 2019 Capital Financing and Debt PolicyNov 07, 2019York Region's policy governing the use and administration of capital financing and debt Att 2 2019_Regional_Fiscal_Strategy.pdfcapital financing, debt managementpolicy, policy template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
253Region of York - Tangible Capital Asset PolicyNov 07, 2019York Region's framework for asset accounting and asset management processes Tangible Capital Asset Policy - Finance.pdftangible capital assetspolicy, policy template9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
254Region of York's Corporate Asset Management PolicyNov 07, 2019York Region's policy to support a consistent, coordinated and affordable approach to asset management acros regional departments York Corp Asset Management.pdfasset management, O Reg 588/17policy, policy template9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
267Region of York's Fuel Price Hedging ProgramNov 07, 2019York Region's report on the 2012 Fuel Price Hedging Program York_Fuel_Hedge.pdffuel pricereport10Procurement and TenderingAdobe Acrobat Document
319Region of York - 2018 Investment PolicyNov 07, 2019 York Region's policy governing the use and management of surplus fund and investments including those being managed on behalf of external clients Screen reader support enabled.To enable screen reader support, press Ctrl+Alt+Z To learn about keyboard shortcuts, press Ctrl+slash York Region's policy governing the use and management of surplus funds and investments including those being managed on behalf of external clients Investment Policy - Finance.pdfinvestmentpolicy, policy template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
344Region of York - 2019 Regional Fiscal StrategyNov 07, 2019York Region's 2019 fiscal strategy, with principles that guide the region's budget for 2019-22 Region of York - 2019 Regional Fiscal Strategy.pdffiscal strategyreport4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
345Region of York - 2019 Long-Term Debt Management PlanNov 07, 2019Outlines the long-term debt and financial obligations for the Region of York as they prepare their 2019 budget Att 1 2019_Regional_Fiscal_Strategy.pdfdebt, financial management, long-term financial planreport4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
346City of Kitchener's 2020-2029 Long-Term Financial PlanNov 07, 2019This report highlights the City of Kitchener's financial position and identifies emerging challenges and trends that will need to be addressed in the short-term. Insights into the City's financial governance framework Kitchener Long-Term Financial Plan.pdflong-term financial plan, financial planreport4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
360Region of York - 2019 Reserve and Reserve Fund PolicyNov 07, 2019York Region's policy governing the use and management of reserves and reserve fund Att 3 2019_Regional_Fiscal_Strategy.pdfreserve fund, reservespolicy, policy template12Reserves and Reserve FundsAdobe Acrobat Document
359By-Law for Reserve and Reserve Funds (2017)Oct 31, 2018The Town of Collingwood's 2017 by-law to establish and maintain reserve and reserve funds. Collingwood_ ReserveReserveFunds_2017.pdfreserve fund, reservespolicy, policy template12Reserves and Reserve FundsAdobe Acrobat Document
316Municipal Accommodation TaxSep 26, 2018The City of Toronto's 2018 Municipal Accommodation Tax bylaw. COT bylaw hotel.pdfmunicipal accommodation taxpolicy, policy template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
317City of Kingston - Municipal Accommodation TaxSep 26, 2018The City of Kingston's 2018 Municipal Accommodation Tax report to Council Kingston Hotel Accomodation Tax.pdfmunicipal accommodation taxpolicy, policy template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
318Transient Accommodation TaxSep 26, 2018The United Townships of Head, Clara and Maria's report to Council on the Transient Accommodation Tax (Municipal Accommodation Tax). ReporttoCouncil-TransientAccommodationTax-Jan.23,2018.pdfmunicipal accommodation taxpolicy, policy template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
249Sidewalks Condition AssessmentSep 26, 2018Image examples to determine sidewalks condition assessments from the Township of Malahide. sidewalks condition assessment.pdfsidewalk, condition assessmentguide, template9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
250Sidewalk Condition ChecklistSep 26, 2018A template checklist for sidewalk condition assessment. Sidewalk Condition Checklist - blank.xlsxsidewalk, condition assessmentguide, template9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet
251Facilities Condition Assessment Rating and ReportingSep 26, 2018A description for condition assessments for municipal facilities including picture examples. Facilities - description with pictures.pdffacilities, condition assessmentguide, template9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
252Facilities Condition ChecklistSep 26, 2018Facilities condition checklist from the Township of Malahide. Malahide Facilities Condition Checklist.xlsxfacilities, condition assessmentguide, template9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet
206City of Oshawa 2016 Annual Investment ReportMay 08, 2018The City of Oshawa's annual investment report (2016) Oshawa Annual Report_fin-17-15.pdfinvestmentreport5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
354York Region Investment PolicyMay 08, 2018York Region's 2016 Investment Policy. York Region.pdfinvestmentpolicy, policy template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
370RFP - Municipal Insurance Broker ServicesMar 29, 2018The Township of Cavan Monaghan's RFP for municipal insurance broker services. CavanMonaghan_RFP_InsuranceServices_Nov_16_2017.pdfinsurancerequest for proposal, rfp13Risk ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
371Climate Finance for Canadian Cities: Is Debt Financing a Viable Alternative?Mar 29, 2018This paper explores climate financing, the provision of financing by private actors for projects intended to decrease carbon emissions or make cities more resilient to the impacts of climate change. imfgpaper_no37_climatefinance_gustavocarvalho_march_15_2018.pdfclimate change, debtreport13Risk ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
372RFP - Insurance and Risk Management ServicesMar 29, 2018A 2017 RFP for insurance risk management services for the Region of Niagara. Niagara_RFP_RiskManagementInsuranceServices_July_26_2017.pdfinsurance, risk managementrequest for proposal, rfp13Risk ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
373RFP - Provision of General Insurance and Risk Management ProgramMar 29, 2018A 2015 Request for Proposal for provision of general insurance and risk management program for the City of Orangeville. Orangeville_RFP_InsuranceRiskManagement_Oct_07_2016.pdfinsurance, risk managementrequest for proposal, rfp13Risk ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
374Planning for Climate Change in Mid-Sized Ontario CitiesMar 28, 2018This paper examines the need and motivation for climate change planning for Ontario’s mid-sized cities, describes actions that mid-sized cities can take to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and then examines some of the challenges PlanningForClimateChange_2017.pdfclimate changereport13Risk ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
369A Good Crisis: Canadian Municipal Credit Conditions After the Lehman Brothers BankruptcyMar 28, 2018The analysis reveals the resilience of Canada’s municipal borrowers in the face of global credit shocks and the virtues of Canada’s tightly regulated system of municipal borrowing. 1710_imfg_no_22_online_sept_17.pdfborrowing, risk managementreport13Risk ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
2472018 RFP - AMP for Town of ErinMar 27, 2018This request for proposal to create an asset management plan for the Town of Erin. Includes requirements outlined in O. Reg. 588/17. rfp 2018-asset management plan - town of Erin.pdfasset management plan, asset managementrequest for proposal, rfp9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
2482018 RFP - AMP for Town of HuntsvilleMar 27, 2018This request for proposal to create an asset management plan for the Town of Huntsville includes new requirements under O. Reg. 588/17 RFP-2018-FIN-05 Asset Management Plan - Town of Huntsville.pdfasset management plan, asset managementrequest for proposal, rfp9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
343Citizen's Guide to the Municipal Budget ProcessMar 20, 2018Created by the Village of Valemount, this guide is an introduction ot the municipal budget process for its citizens. Guide_Budget_Process.pdfbudget, citizen engagementguide4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
358Reserves Policy (2017)Mar 20, 2018The Municipality of Hastings Highland's 2017 Reserves Policy. HastingsHighlands_ReservesPolicy_May3_2017.pdfreserve fund, reservespolicy, policy template12Reserves and Reserve FundsAdobe Acrobat Document
368Water: The Next Frontier on the Path to a Low Carbon EconomyMar 16, 2018Created by WaterTap, this report outlines how new water technologies can help municipalities become a low carbon economy. Water-the-next-frontier-on-the-path-to-a-low-carbon-economy.pdfclimate changereport13Risk ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
272Social Media Policy (2016)Mar 01, 2018The Township of Springwater's Social Media Policy from 2016. Spingwater_SocialMediaPolicy_2016.pdfsocial mediapolicy, policy template11Public EngagementAdobe Acrobat Document
273Public Engagement Guide and WorkplanMar 01, 2018The Town of Oakville's Public Engagement Guide which includes steps for creating a work plan and process. Oakville_PublicEngagementGuide_nd.pdfpublic engagementguide11Public EngagementAdobe Acrobat Document
274Public Engagement and Communications Plan (2017)Mar 01, 2018The Municipality of Central Elgin's public engagement and communications plan for Port Stanley. CentralElgin_PortStanleyHarbourPlan_PublicEngagementPlan_March27_2017.pdfpublic engagement, communicationsreport, guide11Public EngagementAdobe Acrobat Document
275Accountability and Transparency Policy (2016)Mar 01, 2018The City of Owen Sound's policy on accountability and transparency from January 2016. OwenSound_AccountabilityTransparencyPolicy_2016.pdfaccountability, transparencypolicy, policy template11Public EngagementAdobe Acrobat Document
276Social Media PolicyMar 01, 2018The County of Wellington's 2017 Social Media Policy. CountyofWellington_SocialMediaPolicy_May9_2017.pdfsocial mediapolicy, policy template11Public EngagementAdobe Acrobat Document
277Accountability and Transparency Policy - MagnetawanMar 01, 2018The Municipality of Magnetawan's 2017 Accountability and Transparency policy and bylaw. Magnetawan_ByLawToAdopt_AccountabilityTransparencyPolicy_2017.pdfaccountability, transparencypolicy, policy template11Public EngagementAdobe Acrobat Document
278Public Engagement CharterMar 01, 2018The City of Hamilton's Public Engagement Charter which sets the ground rules for local government on how the City should actively involve its residents in issues that affect their lives. Hamilton_PublicEngagementCharter_Nov18_2015.pdfpublic engagementreport11Public EngagementAdobe Acrobat Document
279A Guide to Municipal Accountability, Transparency and Confidentiality in OntarioMar 01, 2018The Ministry of Municipal Affair's 2016 guide to municipalities. MMA_GuideToMunicipalAccountabilityTransparencyConfidentialityOntario_2016.pdfaccountability, transparencyguide11Public EngagementAdobe Acrobat Document
261Procurement Policies and Procedures (2016)Feb 08, 2018The Town of Hearst's policy and procedures for procurement within the municipality. Hearst_ProcurementPolicy_Jan2016.pdfprocurementpolicy, policy template10Procurement and TenderingAdobe Acrobat Document
262Procurement Policy and Procedures (2017)Feb 08, 2018The Municipality of North Perth's procurement policy and procedures. Updated in 2017. NorthPerth_ProcurementPolicy_Oct2017.pdfprocurementpolicy, policy template10Procurement and TenderingAdobe Acrobat Document
263Corporate Procurement PolicyFeb 08, 2018The City of Vaughan's 2017 corporate procurement policy. Vaughn_CorporateProcurementPolicy_March2017.pdfprocurementpolicy, policy template10Procurement and TenderingAdobe Acrobat Document
264Green Procurement PolicyFeb 08, 2018The Township of Armour's 2016 green procurement policy Armour_GreenProcurementPolicy_Oct2016.pdfprocurement, greenpolicy, policy template10Procurement and TenderingAdobe Acrobat Document
265Procurement Policy and Procedures and By-LawFeb 08, 2018The City of Burlington's 2015 procurement policy and procedures as well as the accompanying by-law. Burlington_Procurement Policy_April2014.pdfprocurementbylaw, template10Procurement and TenderingAdobe Acrobat Document
266Procurement Policy (2017)Feb 08, 2018The City of Hamilton's procurement policy. Hamilton_ProcurementPolicy_April2017.pdfprocurementpolicy, policy template10Procurement and TenderingAdobe Acrobat Document
305Accounts Receivable Collection Policy (2017)Jan 05, 2018The Town of Parry Sound's 2017 policy on accounts receivable collection. Finance-AR Collection - 2017-6760.pdfaccounts receivable, collectionspolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
304Electric Funds Transfer PolicyJan 02, 2018The Town of Amherstburg's policy on electruc funds transfer. Policy was created in 2016. Electronic-Funds-Transfer-Policy.pdfcollectionspolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
236Banking Signing Authority Policy (2016)Jan 02, 2018The Town of Milton's policy for banking signing authority. Milton - Banking Signing Authority.pdfsigning authoritypolicy, policy template8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
260Procurement of Goods and Services Policy (2017)Dec 08, 2017The City of London's revised policy on the procurement of goods and services. Procurement of Goods and Services Policy - London.pdfprocurementpolicy, policy template10Procurement and TenderingAdobe Acrobat Document
245Asset Management Policy and Strategy (2017)Oct 16, 2017The Town of the Blue Mountain's policy on asset management and strategy. Asset Management Policy and Strategy.pdfasset management, O Reg 588/17policy, policy template9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
246Asset Management Policy - Township of Huron-KinlossOct 16, 2017The Township of Huron-Kinloss has created a policy on asset management. Dated 2017. HuronKinloss_AMPolicy_0731.pdfasset management, O Reg 588/17policy, policy template9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
243Huron-Kinloss Asset Management PolicyOct 16, 2017The Township of Huron-Kinloss' Asset Management Policy from October 2017 HuronKinloss_AMPolicy_0731.pdfasset management, O Reg 588/17policy, policy template9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
233Closed Meeting PolicyOct 02, 2017The Town of Whitby's Closed Meeting Policy. Whitby Closed Meeting Policy.pdfcouncilpolicy, policy template8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
234Code of Conduct for EmployeesOct 02, 2017The City of Cambridge's Code of Conduct for Employees Cambridge-Code-of-Conduct-for-Employees.pdfcode of conductpolicy8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
235Employee Code of Conduct PolicyOct 02, 2017The Town of Oakville's Code of Conduct for Employees Oakville_Employee_Code_of_Conduct.pdfcode of conductpolicy, policy template8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
315Development Charge Deferral PolicyOct 02, 2017The City of Kawartha Lake's 2016 DC Deferral Policy Kawartha Lakes - Development Charge Deferral Policy.pdfdevelopment chargespolicy, policy template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
391RFP for Infrastructure PlanOct 02, 2017RFP - Halifax Regional Infrastructure Plan for water and wastewater infrastructure RFP - Halifax Regional Infrastructure Plan for water and wastewater infrastructure (2017).pdfinfrastructurerequest for proposal, rfp14Services and PerformanceAdobe Acrobat Document
242Asset Management PolicySep 26, 2017Parry Sound's 2017 Asset Management Policy ParrySound-Finance---Asset-Management---2017-6762.pdfasset management, O Reg 588/17policy, policy template9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
258Purchasing and Procurement Policy - Wellington NorthAug 31, 2017The 2015 Purchasing and Procurement Policy for the Township of Wellington North purchasing-and-procurement-policy-wellington-north.pdfpurchasing, procurementpolicy, policy template10Procurement and TenderingAdobe Acrobat Document
259Green Procurement By-Law - Township of ArmourAug 31, 2017A by-law by the Township of Armour to adopt a Green Procurement Policy Bylaw 482016 Green Procurement Policy - Armour.pdfprocurement, greenbylaw, template10Procurement and TenderingAdobe Acrobat Document
341Water and Wastewater Financial Plan - Municipality of GreenstoneAug 31, 2017The Municipality of Greenstone's 2015 Water and Wastewater Financial Plan. Greenstone_2-_Water_and_Wastewater_Financial_Plan[1].pdffinancial plan, water, wastewaterreport4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
342Water Financial Plan - LondonAug 31, 2017The City of London's 2015 Water Financial Plan. Water Financial Plan 05-22-2015 - London.pdffinancial plan, waterreport4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
365Risk Management PolicyAug 31, 2017The City of Peterborough's 2017 Risk Management Policy Peterborough Risk Management Policy.pdfrisk managementpolicy, policy template13Risk ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
366Internal Controls PolicyAug 31, 2017The Town of Amherstburg's Internal Control Policy Internal-Controls-Policy-Amherstburg.pdfrisk management, internal controlspolicy, policy template13Risk ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
367Enhancing Management Involvement with Internal ControlAug 31, 2017A research piece written by GFOA on internal control practices. Enhancing Management Involvement with Internal Control.pdfrisk management, internal controlsreport13Risk ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
406Property Tax Collection Policy (2017)Aug 16, 2017The Town of Parry Sound's policy on property tax collection. 16092_06-Finance-Tax Collection - 2017-6761.pdfproperty tax, collectionspolicy, policy template16Taxes and AssessmentAdobe Acrobat Document
244Asset Management Policy (2017)Aug 16, 2017The Town of Parry Sound's policy on asset management and how to apply its practices. Finance - Asset Management - 2017-6762.pdfasset management, O Reg 588/17policy, policy template9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
221Are You Considering Brownfeild Development?Aug 08, 2017Written by BDO Canada, an overview of considerations for brownfield development. Are-you-considering-brownfield-development.pdfbrownfield, developmentreport, guide6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
222Green Building Standards Research ReportAug 08, 2017Written for the City of Cambridge, this 2015 report looks at sustainable building practices. Green-Building-Standards-Research-Report-for-the-City-of-Cambridge-Final....pdfsustainability, infrastructureguide6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
223By-Law to Designate Downtown and Community RenewalAug 08, 20172016 by-law from the City of Hamilton to designate the downtown and community renewal community improvement project area. Hamilton bylaw community improvement project area.pdfcommunity, downtownbylaw6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
224By-Law to Adopt a Community Improvement PlanAug 08, 2017The City of Hamilton's 2016 by-law to adopt the Downtown and Community Renewal Community Improvement Plan. Hamilton The Downtown and Community Renewal Community Improvement Plan.pdfcommunitybylaw6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
219Greater Sudbury 2015 Financial ReportAug 04, 2017The City of Greater Sudbury's 2015 Financial Report. GreaterSudburyON 2015 Financial Report.pdffinancial planreport6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
2202015 Financial Report - BrantfordAug 04, 2017The City of Brantford's 2015 Financial Report. BrantfordON Financial Report.pdffinancial planreport6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
240Building Community Resilience Through Asset ManagementAug 03, 2017A handbook and toolkit written by the Government of Alberta on asset management practices. Building Community Resilience Through AM.pdfasset management, communityguide9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
241Getting Started - Asset ManagementAug 03, 2017A toolkit user guide for building an asset management program from the Government of Alberta. Tools and templates for AM.pdfasset managementreport, template9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
239Waterloo's Comprehensive Asset Management ApproachJul 31, 2017A presentation on asset management approaches by the City of Waterloo for the CNAM 2017 Conference 3A-City-of-Waterloo-CNAM-2017.pdfasset managementpresentation, ppt9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
405RFP for Professional Services - Assessment and Property TaxationJul 31, 2017A Request for Proposal from the City of Sault Ste. Marie to obtain professional services for assessment and property taxation support. 2017CRP-FNC-TX-01-P Professional Services - Assessment and Taxation Supp... (1).pdfproperty tax, assessmentrequest for proposal, rfp16Taxes and AssessmentAdobe Acrobat Document
231Travel and Business Expenses PolicyJul 14, 2017The City of Windsor's 2014 Travel and Business Expenses Policy Windsor Travel and Business Expense Policy.pdfexpenses, travelpolicy, policy template8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
232Mileage Reimbursement Rate PolicyJul 14, 2017The City of Brantford's 2015 Mileage Reimbursement Rate Policy. Brantford Mileage Reimbursement Rate Policy.pdfexpenses, mileage, travelpolicy, policy template8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
217Urban Stormwater Fees: How to Pay for What We NeedJun 27, 2017A report by the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario on the benefits and drawbacks of urban stormwater fees Urban-Stormwater-Fees.pdfstormwater, feesreport6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
218Every Drop Counts - Reducing the Energy and Climate Footprint of Ontario's Water UseJun 27, 2017The 2016/2017 Annual Energy Conservation Progress Report of the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario. Every-Drop-Counts.pdfwater, climate changereport6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
338Corporate Business Case Development GuidelinesJun 13, 2017The City of Ottawa's development guidelines for a Corporate Business Case (March 2017) CORPORATE BUSINESS CASE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES.pdfbusiness caseguide4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
339Cost Estimate TemplateJun 13, 2017Cost estimate template from the City of Ottawa. In excel format Cost Estimate Template.xlsxcostingtemplate4Budgeting and Financial PlanningMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet
340Corporate Business Case TemplateJun 13, 2017The City of Ottawa's corporate template for business cases. Corporate Business Case Template.docxbusiness casetemplate4Budgeting and Financial PlanningMicrosoft Word Document
404ARB New Rules and Practices for Processing Appeals in the 2017-2020 Assessment CycleJun 13, 2017The ARB new Rules of Practice and Procedure are effective as of April 1, 2017. This document highlights requirements that municipalities must currently address for the 2017-2020 assessment cycle. ARB - Important Requirements for Municipalities Document.pdfAssessment Review Boardreport, guide16Taxes and AssessmentAdobe Acrobat Document
301Council Expenses PolicyMay 18, 2017An example of a Council Expenses Policy from the Town of Caledon Caledon-Council_Expense_Policy_-_Corporate_Policy.pdfcouncil expensepolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
302Council Expense Policy - Town of AjaxMay 18, 2017An example of a Council Expense Policy from the Town of Ajax (2016). Ajax-Council-Expense-Policy---PDF.pdfcouncil expensepolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
303Council Expense Policy - Town of WhitbyMay 18, 2017Town of Whitby's Council Expense Policy from 2016. Whitby-Council-Expense-Policy.pdfcouncil expensepolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
335Draft Budget PresentationMay 12, 2017The Municipality of North Grenville's draft budget presentation for 2017 2017 Draft Budget Presentation.pdfbudgetpresentation, ppt4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
336Drinking Water Quality Management System Financial PlanMay 12, 2017The Municipality of Dutton-Dunwich's Drinking Water Quality Management System Financial Plan Dutton_Dunwich_Water_Financial_Plan_2015.pdffinancial plan, waterreport4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
337Water Financial PlanMay 12, 20172015 Water Financial Plan from the City of North Bay North-bay-2015-water-financial-plan.pdffinancial plan, waterreport4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
353Capital Financing and Debt PolicyMay 04, 2017The Regional Municipality of York's policy on capital financing and debt. York-Capital+Financing+and+Debt+Policy.pdfcapital financing, debt managementpolicy, policy template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
388Municipal Grants and Recognition PolicyMay 04, 2017The Township of Selwyn's policy on municipal grants and recognition Selwyn-2017-Municipal-Grants-and-Recognition-Awards-Policy-web.pdfgrants, fundingpolicy, policy template14Services and PerformanceAdobe Acrobat Document
389Policy and Procedures on Applications for Municipal GrantsMay 04, 2017The City of Sarnia's policy and procedures for applications for municipal grants. Sarnia_Grant_Submission_Policy_and_Procedures_2016.pdfgrants, fundingpolicy, policy template14Services and PerformanceAdobe Acrobat Document
390Community Investment Grants PolicyMay 04, 2017The Municipality of Kincardine's policy on Community Investment Grants Kincardine-Community-Investment-Grant.pdfgrants, fundingpolicy, policy template14Services and PerformanceAdobe Acrobat Document
325ByLaw Drafting PaperMay 02, 2017Local Government Management Association: Bylaw drafting paper COLLEEN-BURKE-Bylaw-Drafting-Paper.pdfbylawguide3Analytical ToolsAdobe Acrobat Document
355Reserve and Reserve Fund Policy - York RegionApr 21, 2017An example of reserve and reserve fund policy from York Region York_Region_Reserve_and_Reserve_Fund.pdfreserve fund, reservespolicy, policy template12Reserves and Reserve FundsAdobe Acrobat Document
356Reserve and Resere Fund Policy - City of WaterlooApr 21, 2017An example policy for resere and reserve funds from the City of Waterloo. Waterloo_FC-006_Reserves_and_Reserve_Funds_Policy.pdfreserve fund, reservespolicy, policy template12Reserves and Reserve FundsAdobe Acrobat Document
357By-Law to Adopt a Reserve and Reserve Fund PolicyApr 21, 2017A by-law created by the Municipality of Temagami on adopting a reserve and reserve fund policy. Temagami___By_law_15_1233___To_Adopt_a_Reserves_and_Reserve_Fund_Policy.pdfreserve fund, reservesbylaw12Reserves and Reserve FundsAdobe Acrobat Document
294Collections Policies - Post-Dated ChequesMar 21, 2017The Municipality of the District of Gusyborough's policy on working with post-dated cheques. Guysborough_Policy_E-5_Post-dated_Cheques_Policy.pdfcollections, accounts receivablepolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
295Policy on Post-Dated ChequesMar 21, 2017The Municipality of St. Mary's policy on accepting post-dated cheques. St_Marys_Post_Dated_Cheqs_Policy.pdfcheques, collectionspolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
296Pre-Authorized Payment Plan AuthorizationMar 21, 2017The Municipality of Clarington has created an online form that citizens can complete to join their pre-authorized payment (PAP) plan. Clarington_pre-authorized-payment-application.pdfpre-authorized paymentpolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
297Credit Card PolicyMar 21, 2017The Municipality of Temagami's municipal credit card policy. Temagami_schedule_A_municipal_credit_card_policy.pdfcredit cardpolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
298Policy on Credit Card Use and Loyalty Reward PointsMar 21, 2017Mackenzie County has created a policy on municipal credit card use and the use of loyalty reward points. Mackenzie County_Credit_Card_Policy_Loyalty_Reward_Pts.pdfcredit cardpolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
299Fraud and Misuse of Assets PolicyMar 21, 2017The City of Windsor has completed a policy on fraud and misuse of assets. Windsor_Fraud_Misuse_of_Assets_Policy.pdffraud, internal controlpolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
300Cash Handling PolicyMar 21, 2017The City of Waterloo's corporate policy on cash handling. Waterloo_Cash_Handling_Policy_Report.pdfcashpolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
238City Council Update with Guelph Mayor Guthrie - Corporate Asset ManagementJan 27, 2017To engage local citizens with the proposed policy framework for the City of Guelph's corporate asset management plan, Mayor Cam Guthrie has created a video summary of the City's plans and framework. Guelph_Mayor_Update.mp4asset management, communitypresentation9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementMP4 Video
403MPAC Update 2016Oct 31, 2016Carla Nell's update to the MFOA Board of Directors on 2016 Assessments MPAC_Update_2016.pdfMPACpresentation, ppt16Taxes and AssessmentAdobe Acrobat Document
361Municipal Risk Management Manual - EPA New England, USAOct 13, 2016Guide for municipal officials interested in facilitating the cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated properties; and looks at recovery action, financial viability and reasonableness, resources and risks. Municipal Risk Management Manual.pdfrisk managementguide13Risk ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
228Evolving Role of the Treasurer and What it Means to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the OrganizationOct 12, 2016What is the role and responsibilities of the Treasurer, and what it means to the CAO and the municipality. Evolving Role of the Treasurer.pdftreasurer, career developmentreport, guide8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
293Accounts Receivable Collection Policies and Procedures - City of TorontoOct 06, 2016This document provides the outline for the follow up and collection of accounts receivable invoices. The intent of these policies and procedures is to effectively manage the City of Toronto receivables portfolio, work with customers to meet their payment obligations in a timely manner, rectify issues where payment remains outstanding, account for the receipt of payments and, where possible, encourage written agreements before goods or services are provided. Accounts Receivable Collection Policies Procedures - City of Toronto.pdfaccounts receivable, collectionspolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
398Enhanced Pro-Active Property Tax Arrears ApproachOct 05, 2016This report was prepared as part of Windsor’s enhanced approach to property tax arrears. This Case Study analyzes the effectiveness of the tax collection strategy in the wake of an economic recession and an overwhelming number of accounts falling in tax arrears. It is intended to help other Municipal Administrators to evaluate whether the implementation and methodologies of the approach would be applicable, in whole or in part, to their Municipality. Enhanced Pro-Active Property Tax Arrears Approach.pdftax arrearsreport16Taxes and AssessmentAdobe Acrobat Document
399Golf Course AppealsOct 05, 2016The purpose of the following communication is two-fold: (1) to summarize the implications of this agreement and next steps in the appeal process where complaints against golf courses are currently outstanding before the Assessment Review Board (ARB), and (2) to outline the other parties’ expectations of municipalities with respect to satisfying their responsibilities in these matters. Golf Course Appeals.pdfappealsreport16Taxes and AssessmentAdobe Acrobat Document
400Loblaws AppealsOct 05, 2016The following communication has been prepared to provide an update on recent developments with respect to outstanding appeals at the Assessment Review Board (ARB) for properties owned by Loblaw Properties Limited (“Loblaws”). Loblaws Appeals.docxappealsreport16Taxes and AssessmentMicrosoft Word Document
401Sale of Lands for Tax Arrears Explanation - North BayOct 05, 2016This document contains a brief explanation of North Bay's approach to the sale of lands for tax appears purposes. Sale of Lands for Tax Arrears Explanation - North Bay.pdftax arrears, tax salesreport16Taxes and AssessmentAdobe Acrobat Document
402Trailer Park: Decision of the CourtOct 05, 2016The question is the validity of the assessment and taxation of the seasonally used trailers as part of the assessment and taxation upon the seasonal campground lands. Trailer Park - Decision of the Court - Public Version.pdfappealsreport16Taxes and AssessmentAdobe Acrobat Document
393Public Works in Small and Rural MunicipalitiesOct 04, 2016The purpose of this paper is to provide a synopsis of how various public works are managed in small and rural municipalities across Canada, and to to illustrate various approaches to public works management (chiefly financing, administration, and training). Public Works in Small and Rural Municipalities.pdfsmall, rural, public worksreport15Small and Rural MunicipalitiesAdobe Acrobat Document
394Senior Staff Attraction and Retention Measures in Small Rural MunicipalitiesOct 04, 2016Province wide examples of measures to attract and retain senior staff in small rural municipalities. Senior Staff Attraction and Retention Measures in Small Rural Munciipalities.pdfretentionreport15Small and Rural MunicipalitiesAdobe Acrobat Document
395Toward an Easy-To-Use Assessment Tool for Smaller CitiesOct 04, 2016The 10-point test of financial condition: an evolving method for assessing the financial condition of a smaller cities. Toward an Easy-To-Use Assessment Tool for Smaller Cities.pdfsmall, financial conditionguide15Small and Rural MunicipalitiesAdobe Acrobat Document
396Transit Implementation Guidelines for Small Canadian MunicipalitiesOct 04, 2016Determining the feasibility of implementing a transit system in a small municipality requires examination of a number of factors or issues. Many municipalities considering transit are left unsure of the questions to ask when considering transit and how their community compares to common standards for transit implementation. Transit Implementation Guidelines for Small Canadian Municipalities.pdftransit, feasibilityguide15Small and Rural MunicipalitiesAdobe Acrobat Document
397Voice for Rural and Northern OntarioOct 04, 2016The purpose of this discussion paper is to serve as a reference point for future provincial policy development and implementation. The paper reflects the interests of rural and northern municipal governments in an effort to call attention to their communities’ needs and requirements so they can thrive and succeed. Voice for Rural and Northern Ontario.pdfsmall, ruralreport15Small and Rural MunicipalitiesAdobe Acrobat Document
377Assessing PracticesSep 29, 2016This is a tool designed to assist municipal staff in identifying the current performance level of a practice and possible areas for improvement. Assessing Practices.xlsperformanceguide14Services and PerformanceMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet
378Case Studies of Municipal Service Delivery InnovationsSep 29, 2016Case Studies of Municipal Service Delivery Innovations Case Studies of Municipal Service Delivery Innovations.pdfservice delivery, case studyreport14Services and PerformanceAdobe Acrobat Document
379Inter-Municipal Agreement: Best Practices GuideSep 29, 2016Included are discussions of current thinking in market-driven economic development, applications for e-government, trends in municipal service delivery and structures, and dispute resolution. The section concludes with a discussion on principles that should be followed for successful inter-municipal partnerships. Inter-Municipal Agreement - Best Practices Guide.pdfservice deliveryreport, guide14Services and PerformanceAdobe Acrobat Document
380Inter-Municipal Building Department Plans and Inspection Services AgreementSep 29, 2016Sample of shared services agreement between the City of Timmins and the Township of Chapleau to review building plans and conduct mandatory on-site inspections under the Ontario Building Code. Inter-Municipal Building Department Plans and Inspection Services Agreement.pdfbuilding, inspection, shared servicestemplate14Services and PerformanceAdobe Acrobat Document
381Inter-Municipal Fire Department Administrative Services AgreementSep 29, 2016This agreement is an example of shared fire department administrative services between the Corporation of the Township of Lake Bays and the Corporation of the Town of Huntsville. Inter-Municipal Fire Department Administrative Services Agreement.pdffire, shared servicestemplate14Services and PerformanceAdobe Acrobat Document
382Inter-Municipal Northern Information Technology Geomatics Cooperative AgreementSep 29, 2016This agreement is an example of shared services, set out in By-law, to undertake the Northern Information Technology Geomatics Cooperative between the Corporation of the Municipality of Wawa and the Townships of Hornepayne, White River, Dubreuilville, Chapleau and Manitouwadge. The NITGC is a cooperative of northern communities developing a database on services such as: municipal infrastructure, tourism information and emergency management. Inter-Municipal Northern Information Technology Geomatics Cooperative Agreement.pdfIT, shared servicestemplate14Services and PerformanceAdobe Acrobat Document
383Inter-Municipal Regional Fire Training Agreement between 6 MunicipalitiesSep 29, 2016Six municipalities signed an agreement to share the service of a fire training officer. Inter-Municipal Regional Fire Training Agreement between 6 Municipalities.pdffire, shared servicestemplate14Services and PerformanceAdobe Acrobat Document
384Inter-Municipal Transit Initiative in the Niagara Region Clerks DepartmentSep 29, 2016The purpose of this report is to keep Council apprised of discussions between area municipalities, transit providers and Regional Council on the subject of the creation of an inter-municipal transit service within the Region of Niagara. Inter-Municipal Transit Initiative in the Niagara Region Clerk-s Department.pdftransit, shared servicesreport, template14Services and PerformanceAdobe Acrobat Document
385Inter-Municipal Water Supply AgreementSep 29, 2016This agreement is an example of shared water supply services between the Region of Sudbury and the Township of Hagar. Inter-Municipal Water Supply Agreement.pdfwater, shared servicetemplate14Services and PerformanceAdobe Acrobat Document
386Open Data Policy - Greater SudburySep 29, 2016Greater Sudbury's open data policy - November 26, 2015 Open data Policy - Greater Sudbury.pdfITpolicy, policy template14Services and PerformanceAdobe Acrobat Document
387Reviewing the Delivery of Municipal Services: A Collaborative ApproachSep 29, 2016This systemic and growing funding shortfall is forcing municipal and county councils in Grey and elsewhere to adopt increasingly aggressive measures to rein in expenditures and where possible enhance revenues. New and creative thinking is required. Reviewing the Delivery of Municipal Services - A Collaborative Approach.pdfservice delivery, shared servicesreport14Services and PerformanceAdobe Acrobat Document
269Community Investment Fund Application: One Year Grants - Region of HaltonSep 28, 2016Community Investment Fund Application that provides funds to community health and social service programs aligned with priorities for short-term, small capital and/or innovative projects. See Guideline for Community Investment Fund: One Year Grants by Halton Region. Community Investment Fund Application_One Year Grants.doccommunity, funding, grantsreport11Public EngagementMicrosoft Word Document
270Guidelines for Community Investment Fund: Multi-Year Grants - Halton RegionSep 28, 2016Community Investment Fund Application that provides funds to community health and social service programs aligned with priorities for short-term, small capital and/or innovative projects. For the Application, see Community Investment Fund Application: Multi-Year Grants by Halton Region. Guidelines for Community Investment Fund_Multi-Year Grants.pdfcommunity, funding, grantsguide11Public EngagementAdobe Acrobat Document
271Guidelines for Community Investment Fund: One Year Grants - Halton RegionSep 28, 2016Community Investment Fund Application that provides funds to community health and social service programs aligned with priorities for short-term, small capital and/or innovative projects. For the Application, see Community Investment Fund Application: One Year Grants Guidelines for Community Investment Fund_One Year Grants.pdfcommunity, funding, grantsguide11Public EngagementAdobe Acrobat Document
255Library Feasibility and Justification Study RFP - North Perth, ONSep 28, 2016Request for Proposal for Library Feasibility and Justification Study.

Last Modified: 3 February 2015 Size: 132 KB
 Library Feasibility and Justification Study RFP.pdflibrary, feasibility studyrequest for proposal, rfp10Procurement and TenderingAdobe Acrobat Document
256Public-Private Partnerships: A Guide for MunicipalitiesSep 28, 2016A public-private partnership (PPP or P3) can offer more effective project and lifecycle cost control than a traditional procurement method, while improving governance and increasing innovation. PPPs have become a common tool for delivering infrastructure and services around the world, and communities across Canada are now using PPPs to build roads, hospitals, light rail transit, water and waste treatment facilities and other infrastucture. Public-Private Partnerships - A Guide for Municipalities.pdfpublic private partnershipguide10Procurement and TenderingAdobe Acrobat Document
257Request For Proposal - Banking Services Draft - Kingsville - 2015Sep 28, 2016Request for Proposal (RFP) for providing professional banking services. Request For Proposal - Banking Services Draft - Kingsville 2015.pdfbanking, banking servicesrequest for proposal, rfp10Procurement and TenderingAdobe Acrobat Document
292GST/HST Information for MunicipalitiesSep 14, 2016This guide explains how the goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) applies to municipalities. It contains an overview of the GST/HST, as well as more detailed information about GST/HST issues that are specific to municipalities. GST HST Information for Municipalities .pdfGST/HSTguide1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
229Instilling a Knowledge-Sharing CultureSep 08, 2016A 'knowledge-sharing culture' is believed to be inherently good because of the growing importance of intellectual capital to organizations and the need for effective knowledge management practices. Instilling a Knowledge-Sharing Culture.pdfculture, career developmentreport8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
230Senior Staff Attraction and Retention Measures in Small Rural MunicipalitiesSep 08, 2016Because smaller municipalities often face financial constraints, they may want to make sure their staff is flexible and able to multitask. In that case, municipalities may want cross-trained staff. That option provides for an easier succession planning process and several options in case one employee has to leave. Senior Staff Attraction and Retention Measures in Small Rural Municipalities.pdfretention, career developmentreport, guide8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
227Continuing Education Policy - Town of AjaxSep 08, 2016The Town of Ajax promotes a learning environment for its employees; and promotes career development in order to enable all employees to utilize their talents fully, to the mutual advantage of the employee and the Town. Continuing Education Policy - Town of Ajax.pdfexpenses, career development, retentionpolicy, policy template8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
237Asset Inventory SpreadsheetSep 08, 2016An inventory spreadsheet template. Asset Inventory Spreadsheet.xlsasset, asset inventorytemplate9Infrastructure and Asset ManagementMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet
225Writing Funding Proposals and Grants Guide for Municipalities - DelawareSep 08, 2016This helpful except from 'Healthy Communities: A Resource Guide for Delaware Municipalities contains useful information on writing funding proposals and grant applications. Topics covered include the grant writing planning process, the anatomy of a proposal, and additional linked resources for writing a grant proposal. Writing Funding Proposals and Grants Guide for Municipalities - Delaware.pdffunding, grantguide7Funding ProgramsAdobe Acrobat Document
208Business Improvement Area HandbookSep 07, 2016This Handbook is a guide to establishing and operating a business improvement area (BIA) in Ontario. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing believes that it may be helpful to municipal users and BIA members and staff. Business Improvement Area Handbook.pdfbusiness improvement areaguide6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
209Business Plan TemplateSep 07, 2016This business plan template is meant to provide a basic outline for business planning purposes. Please feel free to use, modify, and enhance this outline as you see fit. Business Plan Template.docbusiness plantemplate6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentMicrosoft Word Document
210Decision on Appeal Against Orangeville Development Charges - Town of OrangevilleSep 07, 2016Town of Orangeville -By-law No. 78-2009. Decision on Appeal Against Orangeville Development Charges Decision on Appeal Against Orangeville Development Charges - Town of Orangeville.pdfdevelopment chargesreport6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
211Financing Economic Development: A Survey of TechniquesSep 07, 2016Economic development has evolved into an important activity for state and local governments. Understanding the various methods of financing these efforts can help governments maximize private investment in their communities. Financing Economic Development - A Survey of Techniques.pdfeconomic developmentreport6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
212Integrated Community Sustainability Plan: Phase I Report - United Counties of Leeds and GrenvilleSep 07, 2016Being sustainable is about more than protecting the environment • it also means increasing financial efficiency, building social and cultural capacity, and using resources more effectively over the long term. As the level of government closest to the people, municipal governments play a vital role in educating, mobilizing and responding to the public to promote sustainability. Integrated Community Sustainability Plan Phase I Report - United Counties of Leeds and Grenville.pdfsustainability, communityreport6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
213Municipal Land Use Policy and Housing AffordabilitySep 07, 2016The regional planning process provides an opportunity to consider long-term housing issues and the need for an integrated housing policy that supports strategic goals and prevents any potential increases in housing costs that may be associated with some growth management tools. Municipal Land Use Policy and Housing Affordability.pdfland use, housing, affordable housingpolicy, report6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
214Municipal Tools for Affordable HousingSep 07, 2016The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has developed this handbook to provide information on the planning and financial tools available to municipalities to encourage and support the development of affordable housing in their communities. Municipal Tools for Affordable Housing.pdfhousing, affordable housingguide6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
215Sustainable Development Plan - City of KingstonSep 07, 2016Our communities are striving for sustainable development • “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Sustainable Development Plan - City of Kingston.pdfsustainability, developmentreport6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentAdobe Acrobat Document
216Towards Norms of Good Urban GovernanceSep 07, 2016The Global Campaign on Urban Governance proposes that good urban governance is characterized by sustainability, subsidiarity, equity, efficiency, transparency and accountability, civic engagement and citizenship, and security, and that these norms are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. Towards Norms of Good Urban Governance.docgovernancereport6Economic, Community, and Sustainable DevelopmentMicrosoft Word Document
350Investment Policy Statement - City of Thunder BaySep 07, 2016This policy statement identifies the key factors bearing upon investment decisions for the City of Thunder Bay's Investment Portfolio and provides a set of written guidelines for the management of its assets. Investment Policy Statement - City of Thunder Bay.pdfinvestmentpolicy, policy template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
351Investment Policy - Town of AjaxSep 07, 2016This policy governs the investment of surplus cash, reserve and reserve funds and sinking funds of the Town of Ajax in accordance with the Municipal Act 2001 (as amended) and Ontario Regulation 438/97 (as amended). Investment Policy - Town of Ajax.pdfinvestmentpolicy, policy template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
352Temporary Borrowing By-Law - City of Ottawa 2015Sep 07, 2016Report to Finance and Economic Development Committee and Council for temporary borrowing by-law 2015-2017 by City of Ottawa Temporary_Borrowing_By_Law_Ottawa.pdfborrowingpolicy, policy template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
362Adapting to Climate Change: An Introduction for Canadian MunicipalitiesSep 01, 2016This document is intended for elected municipal officials and senior municipal staff. It outlines decision-making processes to adapt to climate change and showcases municipal adaptation measures implemented across the country. Adapting to Climinate Change - An Introduction.pdfclimate changeguide13Risk ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
363Privacy and Security Guidance for the MUSH SectorSep 01, 2016Created by Dentons LLP, this document is intended to be used by decision makers in the MUSH Sector when considering using cloud services. Dentons_Privacy_and_Security_Guidance_-_final_13697.pdfprivacyguide13Risk ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
364Issues and Implementation Action Plan for Contaminated Sites P2 3260Sep 01, 2016The report touches on the PSAB accounting standard on Liability for Contaminated Sites (PS 3260) issued in 2010 and has an effective date on April 1, 2014. The reports discusses methods on how this standard will affect reporting practices for 2015 and offers a self-assessment tool to get started. Click here for the self-assessment tool: https://surveys.kpmg.ca/se.ashx?s=58F002177DA64D98 Click here for a quick video introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NVDmQaBoKQ For more information: http://www.kpmg.com/ca/en/industry/publicsector/pages/liability-for-contaminated-sites-the-clock-is-ticking.aspx Issues and Implementation Action Plan for Contaminated Sites P2 3260.pdfcontaminated sitesreport13Risk ManagementAdobe Acrobat Document
327Capital Expenditure Control Policy - Town of AjaxSep 01, 2016The requirements of this policy apply to the award of all capital project contracts, including the award of contracts where the capital project is financed in full or in part by third parties. Capital Expenditure Control Policy - Town of Ajax.pdfcapital expenditurepolicy, policy template4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
328Maintaining Financial SustainabilitySep 01, 2016PPT: Maintaining Financial Sustainability presented by Mr. Wiseman Khumalo Chief Financial Officer of Ehlanzeni District Municipality. Maintaining Financial Sustainability.pptfiscal sustainabilitypresentation, ppt4Budgeting and Financial PlanningMicrosoft Powerpoint Presentation
329Measuring Fiscal Capacity: Representative ExpendituresSep 01, 2016Representative Expenditures: Addressing the Neglected Dimension of Fiscal Capacity by Robert W.Rafuse, JR Measuring Fiscal Capacity - Representative Expenditures.pdffiscal sustainabilityreport4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
330Parry Sound - 2015 Budget Planning Session PresentationSep 01, 20162015 Budget Planning Session Presentation by the Town of Parry Sound. Parry Sound - 2015 Budget Planning Session Presentation.pdfbudgetpresentation, ppt4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
331Performance Based BudgetingSep 01, 2016Performance Based Budgeting (PBB) is a process associated with allocating budget dollars based on performance targets set during the strategic planning phase. This report includes a general framework, budgeting approaches, and case studies from the US and Canada. Performance Based Budgeting.pdfbudgetreport, guide4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
332Report to Council on C. D. Howe Report (“Baffling Budgets”) - City of MarkhamSep 01, 2016The C. D. Howe report states that reading and comparing municipal budgets and financial reports are “baffling” because reporting standards are not in place across the sector. A response to the C. D. Howe report is provided by the City of Markham. Report to Council on C. D. Howe Report (â€úBaffling Budgetsâ€û) - City of Markham.pdfbudget, councilreport4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
333The Purpose and Methods of the Municipal Budget ProcessSep 01, 2016This paper reviews the purpose and methods of the municipal budget process in the context of Ontario municipal practice. The differences in operating and capital budgets and their interaction are discussed. The relationship between accounting systems and budget systems is briefly reviewed, and the steps leading to successful implementation are outlined. The Purpose and Methods of the Municipal Budget Process.pdfbudgetreport4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
334Toward Financially Sustainable Water and Wastewater SystemsSep 01, 2016This document is a Guideline designed to assist municipalities in preparing the required Financial Plans under the Financial Plans Regulation. It also sets out broad principles and practical advice that will assist municipalities in moving towards long-term financial sustainability of water services. Toward Financially Sustainable Water and Wastewater Systems.pdffinancial plan, waterguide4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
322How to Design a General PracticeSep 01, 2016This tool will assist you in identifying generic steps to take when designing a practice. How to Design a General Practice.docanalyticsguide3Analytical ToolsMicrosoft Word Document
323Root Cause (Fishbone) AnalysisSep 01, 2016People try to solve problems quickly and in some instances actually make the problem worse by not truly understanding the root cause of the issue. The fishbone diagram is another simple tool with powerful results. Root Cause (Fishbone) Analysis.pdfanalyticsguide3Analytical ToolsAdobe Acrobat Document
324Sample Project Management RoadmapSep 01, 2016A sample project management framework provided my Alberta Municipal Affairs and the Municipal Excellence Network. Sample Project Management Roadmap.pdfproject managementguide, policy template3Analytical ToolsAdobe Acrobat Document
280Reserve Fund Policy - City of VictoriaSep 01, 2016An example of reserve fund policy of the City of Victoria. Reserve Fund Policy - City of Victoria.pdfreserve fund, reservespolicy, policy template12Reserves and Reserve FundsAdobe Acrobat Document
392Providing Public Services in Remote AreasSep 01, 2016Governing remote areas raises different issues than governance of urban areas because of the small size of the population, the lack of concentration of population, and the high cost of living. These characteristics mean that expenditures per capita are often much higher in remote areas than in urban areas. Providing Public Services in Remote Areas.pdfremote, service deliveryreport15Small and Rural MunicipalitiesAdobe Acrobat Document
376Accessible Document and Website Standards GuidelineSep 01, 2016The Accessible Document Website and Standards is a guide to assist municipalities to provide accessible online information to their residents and to be compliant with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Accessible Document and Website Standards Guideline.pdfaccessibility, AODAguide14Services and PerformanceAdobe Acrobat Document
226Business Expense PolicyAug 31, 2016This policy establishes the rules regarding the types of business expenses which may be reimbursed and outlines senior management responsibilities as to the occurrence, approval and oversight of these expenses. Business Expense Policy.pdfexpensespolicy, policy template8Human ResourcesAdobe Acrobat Document
320Bylaw Drafting ManualAug 31, 2016Local Government Administration Association: Bylaw Drafting Manual. Bylaw Drafting Manual.pdfbylawbylaw, policy template3Analytical ToolsAdobe Acrobat Document
321Delivering Project SuccessAug 31, 2016This project management best practices Guide is a tool to help Project Owners successfully meet their obligations under their Contribution Agreement. Delivering Project Success.pdfproject managementreport, guide3Analytical ToolsAdobe Acrobat Document
291Guideline for Government TransfersAug 31, 2016This Guideline focuses on the Office’s approach for assessing the appropriate accounting treatment of government transfers from a recipient entity’s perspective under the new PS 3410 “Government Transfers” standard when there are stipulations imposed by the transferor. Applying New Section PS 3410 Government Transfers - Office of the Auditor General of BC Guideline.pdfpublic sector accounting boardreport, guide1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
326Budget and Financial Controls Policy - Parry Sound - Aug 12 2015Aug 31, 2016The Town of Parry Sound adopted a policy for creating the budget, amendments to the budget and reporting variances to budget to Council. Budget and Financial Controls Policy - Parry Sound - Aug 12 2015.pdfbudgetpolicy, policy template4Budgeting and Financial PlanningAdobe Acrobat Document
347Borrowing By-Law - City of Oshawa 2015Aug 31, 2016Borrowing by-law by City of Oshawa Borrowing_By_Law_Oshawa_2015.pdfborrowingby-law, template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
348City of Sarnia - Loan-specific refinancing by-lawAug 31, 2016This by-law was created by the City of Sarnia authorizing the refinancing of a loan with a financial institution. By-Law to Authorize a Bank Loan Agreement City of Sarnia.pdfloan, borrowingby-law, template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
349Capital Financing and Debt Management Policy - Parry Sound - March 3 2015Aug 31, 2016The Town of Parry Sound adopted a debt management and capital financing policy to provide controls and guidance around the issuance of debt and financing of capital assets. Capital Financing and Debt Management Policy - Parry Sound - March 3 2015.pdfcapital financing, debt managementpolicy, policy template5Debt and InvestmentAdobe Acrobat Document
306Bylaw to Provide for the Prohibition and Regulation of Signs and Other Advertising Devices - City of KingstonAug 25, 2016A By-Law to provide for the Prohibition and Regulation of Signs and other Advertising devices. Bylaw to Provide for the Prohibition and Regulation of Signs and Other Advertising Devices - City of Kingston.pdfrevenuebylaw, policy, policy template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
307Discussion of Public Policy Revenue Tools Under the City of Toronto Act, 2006Aug 25, 2016The Act provides the City for the first time with the power of direct taxation, subject to prescribed limitations. The new revenue tools are neither intended nor able to resolve the City’s fiscal problems. Instead, the City’s use of these powers can work to support and achieve the City’s public policy objectives. A selected group of eight potential tax measures have been researched for the City’s Executive Committee’s consideration. Discussion of Public Policy Revenue Tools Under the City of Toronto Act 2006.pdfrevenue, chargesreport2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
308Durham Report on Local Improvement Charge(LIC) for Energy RetrofitAug 25, 2016This 2013 report by Durham Region's Commissioner of Finance recommends against implementing an LIC Energy Retrofit program in the region due to financial risks, financial liability, and legal liability, among other reasons. Durham Report on Local Improvement Charge(LIC) for Energy Retrofit.pdflocal improvement chargereport2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
309Local Improvement Charge(LIC) Energy Retrofit Financing FAQAug 25, 2016This document contains an FAQ on LIC financing for energy retrofits from a municipal perspective, and is useful to anyone considering or researching such a program. Local Improvement Charge(LIC) Energy Retrofit Financing FAQ.pdflocal improvement chargereport2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
310Local Improvement Charge(LIC) Energy Retrofit PrimerAug 25, 2016This document contains information on using local improvement charges (LICs) to finance residential energy upgrades. Useful for municipal decision makers in understanding the use of local improvement chargers to support the cost of energy efficiency and other improvements on private property. Local Improvement Charge(LIC) Energy Retrofit Primer.pdflocal improvement chargereport2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
311Local Improvement Charge (LIC) Financing Pilot Program Design for Residential Buildings in OntarioAug 25, 2016This document outlines an LIC financing pilot program design for small residential properties, as well as a study into the potential for using this financing mechanism for larger multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs). It is intended for Ontario municipalities seeking to implement internally administered LIC financing programs for energy and water saving improvements. Local Improvement Charge (LIC) Financing Pilot Program Design for Residential Buildings in Ontario.pdflocal improvement chargereport2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
312Local Improvement Charge(LIC) on Private Property by Agreement Legal OpinionAug 25, 2016This document contains advice to the Clean Air Parrtnership from Aird and Berlis LLP on the amended Ontario Regulation 586/06 Local Improvement Charges to allow municipalities to raise the costs of work on private property and impose special chargers with consent of property owners, with the intention of providing a high degree of local flexibility to design programs for local needs, including to support energy retrofits. The document is informative for anyone seeking to implement their own LIC program for energy retrofits. Local Improvement Charge(LIC) on Private Property by Agreement Legal Opinion.PDFlocal improvement chargereport2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
313Local Improvement Charge(LIC) Program Evaluation Study - CheerioAug 25, 2016This 2013 study reports on qualitative research of an LIC program focused on energy retrofits for the City of Toronto and Cheerio. Topics include the level of interest in energy retrofits, receptiveness to LIC financing, communications approaches to LIC programs, and other key issues an LIC program should address. Local Improvement Charge(LIC) Program Evaluation Study - Cheerio.pdflocal improvement chargereport2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
314Solar Facility Lease - City of LondonAug 25, 2016The Landlord has agreed to lease to the Tenant areas on the rooftops of the Buildings and certain ancillary space in certain Buildings to install photovoltaic power generating facilities at each of the Sites as provided herein. Solar Facility Lease - City of London.pdfuser feeslease, policy template2Alternative RevenuesAdobe Acrobat Document
281Accounts Receivable Policy - Simcoe CountyAug 24, 2016The objective of the policy is to establish a framework that will lead to procedures that are consistent across all County departments yet flexible in order to deal with a variety of situations in the most efficient and effective manner possible to improve the cash flow of the County. Accounts Receivable Policy - Simcoe County.pdfaccounts receivablepolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
282Accounts Receivable Policy - Town of Smiths FallsAug 24, 2016As part of the internal financial control system of the municipality, this accounts receivable policy is designed to ensure the collection of all revenues due to the Town in a prompt, effective, efficient and secure manner. Accounts Receivable Policy - Town of Smiths Falls.docaccounts receivablepolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingMicrosoft Word Document
283Collections and Credits Policy - City of Thunder BayAug 24, 2016It is the policy of the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay to establish guidelines with respect to the collection of municipal tax, water and general accounts receivable billings. Collections and Credits Policy - City of Thunderbay.pdfcollections, billing, accounts receivablepolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
284Contaminated Sites Policy - Template Policy V3 for distributionAug 24, 2016A contaminated sites policy template developed by KPMG Contaminated Sites Policy - Template Policy V3 for distribution.pdfotherpolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
285Member of Council Expense Policy - Town of Richmond HillAug 24, 2016This Policy guides the expenditures that support Members of Council in performing their diverse roles and in representing their constituents. The approved Councillor budgets allow Members of Council to: Administer their offices as a Member of Council, Represent the Town at functions or events, and Perform their duties as Elected Officials. Member of Council Expense Policy - Town of Richmond Hill.pdfcouncil expensepolicy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
286Penny Rounding PolicyAug 24, 2016This by-law document an example of how the municipality of Central Huron rounds the penny on cash payments and transactions to the municipality. It was developed in response to the Government of Canada's phasing out of the penny. Penny Rounding Policy.pdfcashbylaw, policy, policy template1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
287Request for Proposal: Actuarial ServicesAug 24, 2016The Municipality of Clarington is requesting proposal for an actuarial review of the Municipal accounting for Post Employment Benefits and Sick Leave Credit Liabilities. Request for Proposal - Actuarial Services.docactuary, consultantrfp, request for proposal1Accounting and Financial ReportingMicrosoft Word Document
288Request for Proposal for Audit Services - County of WellingtonAug 24, 2016The audit shall include the examination of the records and financial statements of the County of Wellington, including Trust Funds maintained on behalf of Long Term Care Facility residents and Social Service clients. Request for Proposal for Audit Services - County of Wellington.pdfaudit, consultantrfp, request for proposal1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
289Request for Proposal for Audit Services - Municipality of ClaringtonAug 24, 2016The Municipality of Clarington wishes to appoint a qualified auditor(s) to carry out examinations of the records and financial statements of the Municipality of Clarington. Request for Proposal for Audit Services - Municipality of Clarington.pdfaudit, consultantrfp, request for proposal1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document
290Request for Proposal for Audit Services - Municipality of French RiverAug 24, 2016The Council of the Municipality of French River wishes to appoint auditors to carry out examinations of the records and the preparation of financial statements of the Municipality of French River. Request for Proposal for Audit Services - Municipality of French River.docaudit, consultantrfp, request for proposal1Accounting and Financial ReportingMicrosoft Word Document
407Holding Not-For-Profit Organizations AccountableAug 24, 2016Although NPOs are separate entities, if they receive municipal funds, there should be accountability for the use of those funds as it is public funding. Holding Not-For-Profit Organizations Accountable.pdffundingreport1Accounting and Financial ReportingAdobe Acrobat Document

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