WE'VE LAUNCHED – MFOA's Asset Management Roadmap 2.0
MFOA has developed a 'multi-year road map' that will help municipalities plan their training needs to better understand the key elements and best practices of implementing a comprehensive asset management system, and take the next step in becoming compliant with O. Reg 588/17: Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure ("the AM Regulation").
The 'roadmap' will deliver just-in-time training on relevant topics that will coincide with the phased-in approach of the AM Regulation. It will be delivered in this phased approach to allow learnings from the prior sessions to be absorbed and implemented before moving onto the next topic or concept. The roadmap plan is to ensure the training is 1) complete and comprehensive and not ad hoc, and 2) delivered in the right order and over time, to help the members better understand AM and manage the implementation and oversight of a circumstance appropriate asset management system.
The roadmap will follow MFOA's Asset Management Framework. This framework was developed in 2018 in partnership with the Province of Ontario. It was MFOA's intent for the framework to supplement Ontario's "Building Together – Guide for Municipal Asset Management" (the Guide) and help municipalities progress in meeting the requirements of the AM Regulation. Like the Guide, it is broken into twelve components – five that comprise the technical components of the AMP and seven that comprise the supporting architecture of a fully functioning asset management system.
This 'roadmap' is intended to be a dynamic document and will be updated and adapted to meet the needs of municipalities as they move through the process of building, implementing, evaluating, and adapting their asset management plans. Please check back often to ensure you have the latest version.
Your input is important to us! Please provide us your feedback after each training session so we can ensure the content is delivered in the correct order, identify any gaps and continue delivering the most relevant content to you.
Click here to download the latest Asset Management Roadmap 2.0
Click here to download MFOA's foundational Asset Management Framework
Click here to view/download Ontario’s Asset Management Regulation
Your Toolkit to Asset Management
Asset Management Communities of Practice Guide: This Guide, prepared by MFOA with the support of the Government of Ontario, provides practical recommendations for the development of asset management communities of practice. The Guide is intended to assist municipal staff in developing and maintaining their own communities of practice to best meet their needs.
Click here to access the Guide.
Asset Management Self-Assessment Tool (SAT) and Maturity Framework: With MFOA’s 2018 updated SAT and Maturity Framework, municipalities can identify their current levels of maturity for each asset management area and potential approaches for moving to higher levels of maturity over time. The updated SAT and Maturity Framework includes modified questions, improved functionality, and it is consistent with the requirements of O. Reg. 588/17 (under the Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity Act). Click here to learn more or click here to view the SAT.
Strategic Asset Management Policy Toolkit: All municipalities are required to adopt strategic AM policies by January 1, 2019 and update them at least every five years from that date. In light of the specific requirements within the proposed AM regulation, MFOA is developing a Strategic Asset Management policy toolkit and templates for use by the municipal sector. This project was funded in part by the Government of Ontario. Click here to access the toolkit.
MFOA has developed a vast amount of Asset Management-related documents, tools & templates, and training to help municipalities better understand and manage the process as they move through their asset management plan.
Click here to view Asset Management Resources Kit
Asset Management Roadmap: MFOA and AMO/LAS, have developed a ‘multi-year road map’ that will help municipalities plan their training needs. The road map will outline comprehensive just-in-time training that will be delivered in multiple stages over several years. Each stage will be separated by several months to allow lessons from the prior stage to be absorbed and implemented before moving onto the next stage.
The road map is intended to be a living document. It will be revised along the way as we continually gather new information and updates from key stakeholders, including you.
Click here to view Asset Management Roadmap
Policy & Asset Management: Policy has developed numerous documents, tools & templates, collected interviews, best practices and case studies.
Click here to view full Asset Management policy listing
Click here to view over 100 Asset Management Virtual Library resources (
Click on the Infrastructure and Asset Management Folder)
Training & Asset Management: Training has worked with industry experts and have developed and continue to develop Asset Management training, including the Asset Management Roadmap in partnership with LAS/AMO.
Click here to view full Asset Management training listing
OnDemand Asset Management Training:
MFOA's Asset Management Tools

With support from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs (MMA), MFOA has a number of tools for municipalities related to asset management.
The tools include:
Six AM tip sheets:
- Tip sheet 1 reporting to council on asset management plans.
- Tip sheet 2 meeting requirements of Ontario Regulation 284/09.
- Tip sheet 3 budgeting for long term asset management including potential revenue streams and debt management strategies.
- Tip sheet 4 integrating asset management into long-term financial planning and strategic planning.
- Tip sheet 5 council decision-making based on the evidence from the asset management plan. Tips to assist with asset management related decisions on issues such as: funding, infrastructure deficits, setting priorities and expanding capital budgets when appropriate.
- Tip sheet 6 questions and answers about asset management planning and implementation.
Interview series: Asset Management in Practice & Highlights
How do municipal asset management systems work in practice? How do municipal approaches compare? MFOA Staff interviewed municipalities from inside and outside of Ontario to understand how the asset management function works in different contexts.
Click here for the interview series and highlights.
Leading Practices in Developing an Asset Management Plan
Click here for a standard asset management plan framework, leading practices for developing an asset management plan, other resources and templates, as well as alternate frameworks to build your plan around. Can be used to develop plans and implement processes from the bottom up and to evaluate the effectiveness of existing asset management programs.
Demystify the Municipal Infrastructure Deficit: Performance Scorecard, Communications Tips and Funding Strategies
Click here to access the tools that make up the series aim to help municipalities: (Part A) Quantify the local infrastructure funding deficit through a Microsoft Excel template and user guide; (Part B) Communicate with the public about deficits through quick tips and a template infrastructure flyer; and (Part C) Consider the right mix of revenue and cost recovery tools available to manage funding gaps through a comprehensive inventory of the major tools.
2016 Deflator Tables
Click here to access deflator tables that take into account this past year's inflation are now ready. The tables will allow you to approximate costs when accounting for your older capital assets.
Asset Management Players and Roles
Click here to access a summary table on the major players in municipal asset management and information on the roles they play. Includes useful links and important dates.
Over 100 Virtual Library Asset Management Resources – FOR MEMBERS ONLY:
Need more? The
Virtual Library has a large collection of asset management resources in the
Infrastructure and Asset Management shelf. Check out the following titles in the library to get you started:
- RFP for Asset Management Plan Development;
- Water Asset Management Plan;
- Towards Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure Asset Management;
- Municipal Asset Management and Financial Planning in Smaller Municipalities.
If you're not a MFOA member yet, please contact Julie Turcsanyi at
office@mfoa.on.ca for further details.