Arun Chulliyil | Manager of Corporate Assets | Town of New Tecumseth | Arun Chulliyil has a background in Finance. He worked in finance for the corporate sector for about 20 years and became a Chartered Professional Accountant in 2011. He started his municipal career in 2010, and was involved in developing tangible capital assets and complying Public sector Accounting Board legislations like PS 3150 and PS 3260. In 2016 he worked as Project lead Asset Management at the City of Brampton and developed the Transit Asset Management plan and Corporate Asset Management Plan for the city. Starting 2018, he worked for the Town of New Tecumseth as Manager of Corporate Assets and developed Strategic Asset Management policy, implemented the work order and asset management (City Works and Assetic Predictor) for the town, and developed the Town’s Corporate Asset Management plan. He developed the service area asset management plans for the town’s core infrastructure, like Roads, Road Structures and Right of ways, Stormwater, Fleet, Fire and Parks & outdoor recreation fleet, fire, parks and recreation for the town. He recently completed a dashboard of State of Infrastructure Report card for the town. | ArunChulliyil.jpg |