Developing a Finance Strategy - Part 5
Developing a Finance Strategy - Part 5
Financial Strategy Metrics

Webinar Overview:
Following the preparation of asset management plans, municipalities will need to conduct regular reviews of their asset management progress. As part of this progress review, municipalities will need to evaluate and monitor the performance of the asset management financing strategy.

This session will provide an overview of commonly used financing strategy metrics. It will provide descriptions of the infrastructure funding gap, the purpose of the metric, and methods for calculation. Additionally, other financial metrics covering areas such as sustainability and affordability will also be discussed.

What You will Learn:
Participants will learn how to evaluate the ongoing performance of the asset management financing strategy and the level of sustainability that is being achieved by using a variety of financial indicators. The financial indicators that will be discussed will cover a variety of categories, including sustainability, debt, and affordability.

Who Should Attend:
  • Municipal staff responsible for asset management or financial planning.

Benefits of Attending:
  • Gain insights into developing objective performance measures that can be used to assess the effectiveness and sustainability of the asset management financing strategy.
  • Gain an understanding of the role that financial metrics have in measuring asset management progress.
  • See examples of financial metrics used by other municipalities.

About your Presenter:

Peter Simcisko is a managing partner with Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. and leads the firm’s asset management practice. He has assisted numerous municipalities with preparation of asset management policies, municipal action plans, asset management software implementations, and preparation of comprehensive asset management plans. Peter has undertaken a number of presentations related to asset management at conferences, including the Municipal Finance Officers’ Association of Ontario (MFOA), the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO), and the Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM). Since joining the firm in 2013, Peter has also assisted numerous municipalities with development charges studies, water, wastewater, and stormwater rate studies, water financial plans, and user fee studies.
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