Developing a Finance Strategy - Part 3
Developing a Finance Strategy - Part 3
Financing Scenario Analysis

A key component of an asset management plan is developing a financial analysis to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of municipal assets. As a continuation of the Asset Management Roadmap 2.0 training series, this webinar we will examine different strategies for financing infrastructure in Ontario. Further to this, the webinar will explore how various financing scenarios can be developed to test the use of reserves, availability and use of grants, debt as a financing tool and the tax/rate impacts of funding assets.

What You will Learn:  
  • Understanding the full life-cycle costs of asset management;
  • Developing a “Base” Case scenario to finance infrastructure and other funding scenarios over the long-term;
  • Developing a basis for long-term capital costs based on the AMP or long-term capital plan;
  • Developing a framework to test capital and funding scenarios; and
  • Understanding the impacts to the bottom line: property taxes and utility rates.

Who Should Attend:
Municipal staff responsible for asset management or capital financial planning

 Participants can expect to:
  • Have a clear understanding on a framework to develop a base case financing strategy scenario
  • Basic knowledge to begin developing internal tools to test financing scenarios on an ongoing basis as part of the asset management plan process.

About your Presenter:

Andrew Mirabella is an Associate Partner with over ten years of professional experience at Hemson. Andrew has a comprehensive understanding of municipal user fees, asset management and development charge policy and implementation. Mr. Mirabella also has experience in other fields, including: water and sewer rate setting exercises, financial impact assessment, development planning, and growth management. Andrew is a member of both the Association of Ontario Land Economists and Lambda Alpha International (LAI).

Part 1 of the Developing a Finance Strategy Series is available on-demand
Discounted member price: 155.00
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