Development Charges 201: Advanced

Development Charges 201: Advanced
Development Charges 101 & 201 workshops are designed to provide the attendee with a full perspective of he Development Charges Act (DCA).

Over the past few months,  the province has introduced further changes with respect to Development Charges. Bill 134 (given Royal Assent in December 2023) changed the Bill 23 definition of Affordable Rent and Affordable Owned units while Bill 185  (presently given second reading) will roll back some of the changes introduced by Bill 23.  This workshop will provide the details of these changes and discuss how they impacts bylaws which were recently passed as well as by-laws which have been in place for several years, along with amendments which can be made.

The 101 workshop
is targeted towards attendees with limited knowledge of the DCA or those who only participate in segments of the DCA process and would like a broader understanding of how all departments play a role in the development of the charge.
The 201 workshop will focus on a more advanced level of the Act and how to manage the financing of the capital requirements for growth.

Workshop # 2 Description: Development Charges 201 - Advanced
This workshop focuses on various elements of the development charge including:
  • Assessing the Financial Impact of Growth (will include two case studies)
  • Department Responsibilities, Linkage to Projects and Funding, Annual Capital Budget Update
  • Cash flow needs and how different types of DCA agreements may assist
  • Resolving Appeals and Complaints
  • Implications of “Places to Grow” and Intensification on Your DC Regime
  • Reforming the DCA
  • Survey of DC Rates in Ontario
  • Legal Review of Agreements: Accelerated Payment, Delayed Payment, Service in lieu, Front Ending, Pros and Cons from an Administrative perspective

The workshop will commence with case studies of two municipalities to identify the implications of growth and how these municipalities undertook negotiations to manage the overall impact on taxes, user rates and debt capacity. The session will then look at the legal side of various types of financing agreements provided by the DCA along with negotiating appeals and complaints. The session will also consider the impacts of “Places to Grow” and Intensification municipal capital needs and what role the DCA plays in financing these costs. The session will conclude with a discussion on reforms to the DCA and what impact that would have on the present DC bylaws. Attendees will also work on some hands-on examples to develop a familiarity with the concepts and policies discussed during the session.

You Will Learn How To:
  • Understand the implications of growth on taxes, user rates and debt capacity and receive approaches for controlling/minimizing the overall impact
  • Manage project emplacement in conjunction with growth and evaluate the DC revenue recovery under different financing options
  • Consider the various legal agreements provided by the DCA and how to negotiate them
  • Receive the most up to date information on changes to the Act, Survey of DC rates across Ontario

Who Should Attend?
The workshop is designed for senior staff (finance, legal, planning, engineering) who are involved with planning growth, the timing of capital construction and financing and the financial impacts of growth on taxes and users rates. This presentation will be of interest to municipalities of all sizes looking to understand the financial impacts of growth on the municipality and capital financing tools available to assist in managing those impacts.

KEY TAKEAWAY: You will receive case studies of high growth municipalities discussing the financial challenges they faced in servicing growth. You will also receive an understanding of the financial agreements available under the DCA, which work the best in different situations, how to negotiate them along with discussions on broader matters on the DCA including possible reforms to the Act.

About Your Speakers:
Daryl Abbs, Managing Partner at Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. and Gary Scandlan, Independent Advisor (recently retired from his position as Managing Partner at Watson & Associates Economists Ltd.) have assisted municipalities across Canada with Development Charges. Gary Scandlan has over 45 years of experience with Development Charges participating as an expert witness in approximately 50 hearings and has negotiated DC funding agreements on behalf numerous municipalities. Daryl Abbs has over 10 years experience with Development charges participating in a number of DC appeals, mediations and development agreement negotiations.
6/19/2024 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Kingston Market Square Hotel 285 King St. E Kingston, ON K7L 3B1 CANADA

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