AM 203.3 - Level of Service for Other Assets - Part 3

AM 203.3 - Level of Service for Other Assets - Part 3
Part III of the course on Levels of Service for other assets will cover a range of other assets not covered through previous sessions (e.g., IT hardware, software, trees, signs, etc.).

What You will Learn:
The webinar will cover the following:
  • Process for developing a levels of service framework with examples for a variety of assets not covered through previous sessions.
  • Lessons learned from the development of LOS for core assets
  • Importance of and strategies for collecting, documenting, and maintaining data to facilitate LOS tracking and reporting
  • Strategies for identifying LOS targets and linking them to lifecycle management strategies

Who Should Attend:
Local government staff that are responsible for asset management planning, particularly the development of a levels of service framework for a variety of asset classes, including computer hardware/software, trees, and signs.

Benefits of Attending:
Participants can expect to
  • Gain an understanding of the process involved in establishing a levels of service framework
  • Gain insights into setting LOS targets and linking them to lifecycle management strategies
  • Benefit from templates used to develop levels of service for other assets.

About your Presenter:
Peter Simcisko is a managing partner with Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. and leads the firm’s asset management practice. He has assisted numerous municipalities with preparation of asset management policies, municipal action plans, asset management software implementations, and preparation of comprehensive asset management plans. Peter has undertaken a number of presentations related to asset management at conferences, including the Municipal Finance Officers’ Association of Ontario (MFOA), the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO), and the Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM). Since joining the firm in 2013, Peter has also assisted numerous municipalities with development charges studies, water, wastewater, and stormwater rate studies, water financial plans, and user fee studies.

Best Value - Package Deal: Register for the three-part Levels of Service for Other Assets series and receive over $180 in savings.
5/17/2022 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

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