Intergovernmental Relations
MFOA works on key issues in municipal finance with stakeholders at the federal, provincial and municipal levels, to represent our members’ interests as the municipal finance ‘voice’ in intergovernmental discussions. We participate in various working groups to ensure the municipal finance impacts of policy changes are well understood by provincial decision makers before policies are set. MFOA is bound to disseminating only minimal details because of the confidential nature of these discussions. Here are the consultation documents and/or summaries of the reviews that we have been involved in.
For priority issues, we develop short position papers and post them on the Projects Page
Bill 68, Modernizing Ontario's Municipal Legislation Act, 2017 |
Bill 68 proposes new changes to municipal investment powers. The proposed legislation has passed First Reading when it was then referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy. On April 10, 2017, MFOA presented to the Standing Committee and presented a number of recommendations. MFOA's presentation to the Standing Committee can be found here . MFOA will continue to provide updates as Bill 68 progresses.
Budgeting and Long-Term Financial Planning Action Group |
The Municipal Budgeting and Long-Term Financial Planning Action Group, facilitated by the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs (MMA), was created as a forum for municipal stakeholders to collaborate on practical and actionable ideas that will assist municipalities in strengthening budgeting, asset management and long-term financial planning practices.
Asset Management Regulation Consultations 2016 |
As part of the Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity Act, 2015, the Government of Ontario is proposing regulations that set out principles for asset management planning for the broad public sector. Part of these sessions is a review of the Province's discussion paper.
In-person consultations are currently underway. MFOA continues to participate in consultations with the Province and provide feedback on how these regulations may impact municipalities and finance officers.
Asset Management Regulation Consultations Website
Construction Lien Act Review 2015 |
A review of the Construction Lien Act (the Act), being conducted by counsel at Borden, Ladner and Gervais LLP, is entering its consultation phase. Issues under review include prompt payment, holdbacks, and substantial performance.
The review has released an information package, and a report is to be finalized in December 2015. MFOA continues to participate in owners group meetings and will notify our members of issues as they arise.
Construction Lien Act Review Website
CDS Fee Proposal for Municipal Debentures 2015
Major changes to the CDS fee schedule are expected to come into effect in 2015, which will significantly increase the costs to municipalities issuing debentures. MFOA has sent two letters to CDS requesting a meeting to discuss some of the identified issues. For more, please see MFOA's webpage on CDS.
CDS Proposed Fee Schedule
Provincial Land Tax Review 2014 |
MFOA is participating with Northern municipalities and other stakeholders in a review to identify ideas for improving the Provincial Land Tax (PLT). A PLT Consultations Summary Paper has been released by the Ministry of Finance. MFOA continues to work with Northern municipalities and stakeholders to build support for a modern and equitable PLT regime.
PLT Stakeholder Consultations Summary
Financial Information Return Reform (2013-2014) |
MFOA provided recommendations to MMAH to ease the completion process and strengthen the data reliability of the FIR. Our recommendations were reflected in the revised FIR Start-Up Guide in 2013.
Financial Information Return Start-up Guide
Development Charges Review (2013-2014) |
MMAH consulted with municipalities, the building and development industry and other stakeholders to identify potential changes to the current Development Charges Act, 1997 framework. MFOA’s concentration was on eliminating service restrictions, cost restrictions and updating the service level standard. For more, visit MFOA's DC webpage.
Development Charges in Ontario, Consultation Document
Special Purpose Business Property Assessment Review (2013-2014) |
MFOA participated in the Special Purpose Business Property Assessment Review with various stakeholders to identify opportunities to ensure fairness and to predict accuracy in the property assessment and tax system. The review recommended that the Ministry of Finance pursue a number of changes with respect to assessment methodologies, appeals and MPAC governance.
Special Purpose Business Property Assessment Review & Recommendations
Updating the "Guide to Developing Municipal Procurement Bylaws" (2013)
MMAH began a review of the provincial guide in view of the implications of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement on municipal buying. Other opportunities to strengthen the guide were in the areas of online and green procurement. |
Municipal Act Review (2012-2013)
According to s. 3(2) of the Municipal Act, “[t]he Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing shall conduct a review of the Act before the end of 2007 and thereafter within 5 years of the end of the previous review.
Municipal Act Review