MFOA creates a number of tools and templates to assist members on a variety of municipal finance topics. See below to learn more.

Doc File NameDocument TitlePubDateTag Name Document Description
MFOA_Policy_Projects/Primer_Reserves_Reserve_Funds.aspxA Primer on Reserves and Reserve Funds8/28/2024 12:00:00 AMPolicy TnTHow do reserves and reserve funds work? This is a primer to answer your questions!
MFOA_Policy_Projects/bill23_tracking_sheet.aspxBill 23 Municipal Tracking Sheet11/15/2023 12:00:00 AMPolicy TnTA top question for municipal finance professionals is how to quantify the changes to DC and CBC revenue since the introduction of Bill 23. MFOA has developed a spreadsheet to assist municipalities with this work.
MFOA_Policy_Projects/MMAH_Inventory_Required_Municipal_Reports.aspxMinistry of Municipal Affairs and Housing's Inventory of Required Municipal Reports1/21/2022 12:00:00 AMPolicy TnTMMAH has worked closely with ministry partners to update and validate changes made to the 2019 inventory with the goal of identifying further reporting reductions and producing a snapshot of municipal reporting requirements across government. The pro
MFOA_Policy_Projects/Debt_Service_Charges_Forecasting_Tool.aspxDebt Service Charges Forecasting Tool and Tip Sheet12/16/2021 12:00:00 AMPolicy TnTAs part of the Municipal Debt Project, MFOA has developed a spreadsheet and tip sheet to help estimate future debt service charges of multiple serial and amortizer debentures.
MFOA_Policy_Projects/Municipal_Finance_Orientation_Package_Updated_Edition.aspxMunicipal Finance Orientation Package - Updated Edition12/1/2021 12:00:00 AMPolicy TnTAre you or someone in your office new to the field? Look no further! The Orientation Package provides a crash course on municipal functions and important relevant organizations.
MFOA_Policy_Projects/who_pays_for_growth.aspxWho Pays for Growth?1/30/2019 12:00:00 AMPolicy TnTTo help dispel myths surrounding development charges, MFOA has produced an infographic "Who Pays for Growth?"
MFOA_Policy_Projects/transforming_the_treasurer.aspxTransforming the Treasurer: From Finance Operator to Catalyst for Change8/28/2018 12:00:00 AMPolicy TnTRead our overview of the evolving role of the Treasurer.
MFOA_Policy_Projects/Strategic_Asset_Management_Policy_Toolkit.aspxMFOA Strategic Asset Management Policies Toolkit7/24/2018 12:00:00 AMPolicy TnTMFOA's Strategic Asset Management Policy Toolkit is now available
MFOA_Policy_Projects/AM_SAT.aspxAM SAT5/31/2018 12:00:00 AMPolicy TnTThe SAT and Maturity Framework is now available to all Ontario municipalities.
MFOA_Policy_Projects/Asset_Management_Communities_of_Practice_Guide.aspxAsset Management Communities of Practice Guide5/8/2018 12:00:00 AMPolicy TnTThe Guide is intended to assist municipal staff in developing and maintaining their own communities of practice to best meet their needs.
MFOA_Policy_Projects/Serving_to_Your_Potential_Enhancing_Strategic_Influence_in_the_Treasurer’s_Office.aspxServing to Your Potential - Enhancing Strategic Influence in the Treasurer’s Office7/21/2016 12:00:00 AMPolicy TnTMFOA's monograph on the treasurer's role in a municipality. Learn about how to enhance your strategic influence in the office.
MFOA_Policy_Projects/Finance_Templates.aspxFinance Templates6/16/2016 12:00:00 AMPolicy TnTThe MMAH and MFOA developed three simplified finance templates for small municipalities. The templates are to assist with (1) performing bank reconciliations, (2) understanding cash flows and (3) developing budgets.

Deflator Tables

Doc File NameDocument TitlePubDateTag Name Document Description
MFOA_Policy_Projects/Deflator_Tables.aspxDeflator Tables2/21/2025 12:00:00 AMPolicy TnT OtherDeflator tables taking into account this past year's inflation are now ready. These will allow you to approximate costs when accounting for older capital assets. 2024 now available.
 Questions? Contact:
Christine Duong
416-362-9001 ext.230


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