AM 301: Developing a Finance Strategy - Overview

AM 301: Developing a Finance Strategy - Overview
Join us for a two-part webinar that will provide an overview of the components of a financing strategy and how it connects to other AM activities and municipal processes, such as levels of service, lifecycle management strategy, the budget process, and long-term financial planning.

Both sessions will include approximately an hour-long presentation, which will include structured polling questions. The polling questions will be used to gauge where municipalities are in the process of developing a financial strategy, top issues/concerns in this area, etc. Each presentation will be followed by 30 minutes of discussion and Q&A.

What You will Learn:

Part 1 will cover requirements of O. Reg. 588/17 pertaining to the financial strategy component of asset management plans. Establishing a baseline of financial information will also be covered in this part. Topics will include identification of current capital funding capacity through analysis of current funding sources, identification of lifecycle activities captured in the operating budget, outstanding debt repayment obligations, and existing reserves/reserve funds that can be used to support lifecycle funding requirements.

Part 2 will cover bridging the lifecycle expenditure forecast with the funding baseline and measuring impacts of a fully funded financial strategy. Part 2 will also explore incorporating long-term lifecycle funding targets into the financial strategy, the effects of expansion/growth on lifecycle funding targets, and assessing affordability through comparative metrics.

Who Should Attend:

Local government staff that are responsible for asset management planning, particularly developing the financial strategy and linking the financial strategy to municipal budgets, rate-setting, and long-term financial plans.

Benefits of Attending: Participants can expect to
  • Gain a clear understanding of what is required for regulatory compliance and what work can be done now to prepare for the development of a detailed financial strategy by July 1, 2025.
  • Have an opportunity to voice any challenges/concerns they have with the financial strategy component of asset management planning to help shape the content of future technical workshops coming later in 2022 and 2023.

About your Presenters:

Part 1: Hemson

Andrew Mirabella, Senior Consultant at Hemson
Andrew Mirabella is a Senior Consultant with over ten years of professional experience at Hemson. Andrew has a comprehensive understanding of municipal user fee and development charge policy and implementation. Mr. Mirabella also has experience in other fields, including: water and sewer rate setting exercises, asset management, financial impact assessment, development planning, and growth management. Andrew is a member of both the Association of Ontario Land Economists and Lambda Alpha International (LAI).

Christopher Balette, PLE, Consultant at Hemson
Christopher Balette joined Hemson in 2015 as part of the firm’s municipal finance practice. Christopher has expertise in municipal long-range financial planning, asset management, development charges and rate setting analysis with a particular focus on financial model development and integration with municipal practices. Mr. Balette graduated from the University of Toronto with double Majors in Statistics and Economics and is also a member of the Association of Ontario Land Economists.

Part 2: Watson & Associates Economists Ltd.

Peter Simcisko is a managing partner with Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. and leads the firm’s asset management practice. He has assisted numerous municipalities with preparation of asset management policies, municipal action plans, asset management software implementations, and preparation of comprehensive asset management plans. Peter has undertaken a number of presentations related to asset management at conferences, including the Municipal Finance Officers’ Association of Ontario (MFOA), the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO), and the Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM). Since joining the firm in 2013, Peter has also assisted numerous municipalities with development charges studies, water, wastewater, and stormwater rate studies, water financial plans, and user fee studies.
3/23/2022 12:00 PM - 3/24/2022 1:30 PM

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Wednesday, 23 March 2022

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
12:00 PM

Thursday, 24 March 2022

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
12:00 PM


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